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Saturday, 5 May 2012


In peer-to-peer file sharing systems, file replication and consistency maintenance are widely used techniques for high system performance. Despite significant interdependencies between them, these two issues are typically addressed separately. Most file replication methods rigidly specify replica nodes, leading to low replica utilization, unnecessary replicas and hence extra consistency maintenance overhead. Most consistency maintenance methods propagate update messages based on message spreading or a structure without considering file replication dynamism, leading to inefficient file update and hence high possibility of outdated file response. This paper presents an Integrated file Replication and consistency Maintenance mechanism (IRM) that integrates the two techniques in a systematic and harmonized manner. It achieves high efficiency in file replication and consistency maintenance at a significantly low cost. Instead of passively accepting replicas and updates, each node determines file replication and update polling by dynamically adapting to time-varying file query and update rates, which avoids unnecessary file replications and updates. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of IRM in comparison with other approaches. It dramatically reduces overhead and yields significant improvements on the efficiency of both file replication and consistency maintenance approaches.
  • Content distribution is a centralized one, where the content is distributed from the centralized server to all clients requesting the document.

  • Clients send request to the centralized server for downloading the file.

  • Server accepts the request and sends the file as response to the request.

  • In most client-server setups, the server is a dedicated computer whose entire purpose is to distribute files.

·         We proposed an efficient and adaptive centralized file replication algorithm in P2P file sharing systems called IRM. In the method, traffic hubs that carry more query load and frequently requesters are chosen as replica nodes.
  • Peer-to-peer content distribution provides more resilience and higher availability through wide-scale replication of content at large numbers of peers. 
  • A P2P content distribution community is a collection of  intermittently-connected nodes with each node contributing storage, content and bandwidth to the rest of the community
  • The peer-to-peer file sharing networks had a centralized server system. This system controls traffic amongst the users. 

File Replication
File is sharing into IRM of equal size and k simultaneous connections are used. Client downloads a file from P2P at a time. Each peer sends a replication to the client.
Efficiency of File Consistency Maintenance
File is divided into many p2p and user downloads file replication sequentially one at time. The client randomly chooses the source peer at each time slot and download the file replication from each peer in the given time slots.
Effectiveness of File Consistency Maintenance
Whenever a user completes a replication from its current source peer, the user randomly selects a new source peer and connects to it to retrieve a new p2p. Switching source peers based on chunk can reduce average time varying file download replications and updates.
Overhead of File Consistency Maintenance
          File replication is an effective method to deal with the problem of overload condition due to flash crowds or hot files. It distributes load over replica nodes and improves file query efficiency. File consistency maintenance to maintain the consistency between a file and its replicas is indispensable to file replication. Requiring that the replica nodes be reliably informed of all updates could be prohibitively costly in a large system.

Processor           :        Intel Pentium-IV
Speed                        :         1.1GHz
RAM                  :         512MB
Hard Disk           :         40GB
General                      :        Key Board, Monitor , Mouse
Operating System        :       Windows XP
Software                    :       JAVA ( JDK 1.6.0)

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