1. Project Title: Geo
Spatial Info Tech Solutions
2. Abstract:
bodies are classified into Municipal Corporations, Municipalities of different
grades depending upon the population and income of the Urban Local Body. These
Urban Local Bodies have been constituted with the objective of discharging
Obligatory functions like:
(a) Supply of drinking water
(b) Providing and maintaining drainage and sewage systems
(c) Public street lighting
(d) Maintaining sanitation and hygiene of public places
(f) Providing Electricity Connection to citizen houses
(g) Providing Water Connection to houses
(h) Municipal Library Maintenance
of this System
Calculating Bills
Local bodies like municipalities
need collect different kind of taxes from the citizens. Every citizen need to pay Water Bills and
Electricity Bills to the particular authorities. Actually a citizen want to pay his municipal
tax means he should go to municipal office and collect the necessary bill, pay
there only. Same as water and
electricity bills. This is not an easy job to get all these tax
information in different authorities now days.
For that purpose we are developing
this application, which can collect the tax information from different
authorities based on the house no’s and owner name by using Web Services and stores the data in our
own database. For getting the
information regarding taxes citizens need to register first. The bill are calculating on different modes
like annual, half yearly, quarterly etc...
By using the user id and password
citizens can log into the system and collect the necessary information from the
home page. For this every user need to
provide his house no and owner name. By
clicking on the search button they will get their own
House Details
Electricity Bill Details
Water Bill Details
Municipality Bill Details
Pending Bills
Web services play vital role here. Why because this
system get the information from other sources.
A web service is only capable to get the information from other sources.
The existing system is a manual
system. Here the employees needs to save
the information in the form of excel sheets or Disk Drives. There is no sharing
is possible if the data is in the form of paper or Disk drives. The manual
system gives us very less security for saving data; some data may be lost due
to is management. It’s a limited system
and fewer users friendly. Searching of particular information is very critical
it takes lot of time. Gathering information of different sources is not an easy
job, data will be mismanaged. Calculating different bills manually going to be
as a process of mistake. There is no interface to provide various bills in the
existing system. In the existing system citizen get the bills information
manually, in various authorities like water board, electricity department,
property tax department etc.
development of this new system contains the following activities, which try to
automate the entire process keeping in the view of database integration
approach. User Friendliness is provided in the application with various
controls provided by system Rich User Interface. The system makes the overall
project management much easier and flexible.
It can be accessed over the Intranet. The employee information can be
stored in centralized database which can be maintained by the system. This can
give the good security for user information because data is not in client
machine. Authentication is provided for this application only registered Users
can access. There is no risk of data management at any level while the project
development is under process. The automated system will provide to the
employees for reliable services. The
proposed system using web services, a web service can get the information from
other sources also. There no burden of calculating water, electric, house tax
bills in this system, by sending a request to the particular authority via web
service we can get all the information regarding these issues.
1. Administrator
2. Citizen’s
3. Web
4. Citizen’s
Bill Information
5. Search
6. Reports
7. Authentication
Administration is the main person of
this system. He can have all the privileges to do anything in this system.
Admin can get the information regarding citizen’s water bills, electric bills,
and municipal taxes from various sources.
For that administrator need to send a request for that particular
authority throw web services.
People who are living
in that municipality area are called as citizens. Citizens need to pay water bill, electricity
bill, property tax for a certain of intervals.
By using this system interface citizen’s know their different bill
amounts, pending bills, due dates etc.
Bill Information
The system interface is going to
show the Bill information of different authorities. The bills mainly going to
these types
Water Bills
Electricity Bills
Property Taxes
These interface also
shows the
Pending Bills
Due Dates
6. Requirements:
Processor: Intel Pentium or
Ram: 512 MB Ram
Hard Disk: PC with 20GB
Software Specification:
WINDOWS OS (XP / 2000 / 200 Server / 2003
Visual Studio .Net 2008
Enterprise Edition
Internet Information Server
5.0 (IIS)
Visual Studio .Net Framework
(Minimal for Deployment) version
SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition