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Wednesday, 25 January 2012


1.   Title of the project: Speed Cash Maintenance
2.    Abstract of the project:
The Speed Cash Maintenance is used to transfer money from one place to another within a short time. This is basically used to speed up the money transfer. The necessary information for the money transfer from the source bank to the destination bank is sent in the form of file on daily basis. This file contains the information like remitter details, beneficiary details and DD (Demand Draft) details, etc.
Basically the remitter is a person who sends the money and the beneficiary is the person who receives the money. If the remitter has already an account with the bank, the deduction at the back end should happen instead of cash dealings. Once the file is received, it is processed and the data is put into the database. Then it is again processed and DD is printed. The printed DD will be handed over to the concerned person.


Ø  Problem Definition
Ø  It is time consuming process as the user has to type the dbase commands. He has to remember all the commands which are difficult.
Ø  It is limited to a single system.
Ø  A user who wants only to have some information has to contact the administrator every time.
Ø  Using the MS-Access they are able to store only 2500 records only.
Ø  The present system is very less secure.

Ø  Project Objective   

Cyber security Division undertakes the auditing of the web sites prior to hosting on the production server. It has to perform application vulnerability assessment for the applications on the various web sites. These audits were performed for the requests submitted by various user groups / departments. The objective of the system is to automate the audit application Status Monitoring Process to speed up the workflow. Application Audit Status Monitoring System will keep track of all the websites submitted by the user group(s) and assign the audit levels to the concerned auditors to audit the site vulnerabilities. Reminders will be sent to the concerned user groups to take necessary actions on the paused audits waiting for the response.

For self assessed sites/applications state web coordinator can upload report and certificate itself, if coordination finds sites without vulnerabilities he/she can allow site clear for hosting otherwise assignment life cycles follows.

Authentication and session management includes all aspects of handling user authentication and managing active sessions. Authentication is a critical aspect of this process so, allow only strong password, change password after some time and not allow old passwords. Various groups to keep track of the current status of the audited application software websites basically will use the information.

The development of the new system contains the following activities, which try to automate the entire process keeping in view of the database integration approach.
Ø  User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls.
Ø  The system makes the overall project management much easier and flexible.
Ø  It can be accessed over the internet.
Ø  Vast amount of data can be stored.
Ø  There is no risk of data mismanagement at any level while the project development is under process.
Ø  Relationship between the administrator, owner/developer and subcontractor can be maintained very easily.
Ø  It provides high level of security using different protocols like https etc.

5.    MODULES:
There are four modules in this Project. These are:

·         Admin
·         User
·         Report
·         Help

Admin – The admin can create / maintain the user information.

Users – The user is similar to admin user, but can’t create / maintain the user information. But they can change their own password if needed.

User Login: First to enter this system the users has to login to this system. Basically there are 2 types of users in this system.

·         First a login screen should be displayed to get the user details. The user has to enter the user-id and the password. The password has to be masked with character ‘*’.
·         The user details should be verified against the details in the user tables and if he / she is valid user; they should be entered into the system. Once entered, based on the user type access to the different modules to be enabled / disabled.
·         If user enters wrong password for continuously 5 times, the account should be locked. The information about the login and logout details should be stored in a separate table.


User Details: This module contains 2 parts:

·         User maintenance,

·         Change Password.

User maintenance is used to create a new user, modify the details of existing user or remove the existing user.  Only the admin type user will have access to this part. Normal user won’t have access to this. While storing into database the password should be encrypted and stored. The user can choose his / her logic to encrypt the password.
Change Password is used to change own password. Both admin and normal user will have access to this.


File Processing: The file received from source bank is processed as follows:

·         The remitter, beneficiary and DD records are coming in the same file.
·         These 3 types of records have different record formats.
·         These 3 types of records are identified using the first 2 characters of the record. If it is ‘00’ it is remitter record. If it is ‘01’ it is beneficiary record. If it is ‘02’ it is DD related record.
·         The records are validated for various conditions. For e.g. validation on remitter information, beneficiary information, etc.
·         If the record is invalid it has be put into separate table.
·         Valid records are kept separately for further processing – DD printing.


Reports: This module is used to print various online reports.

·         User details report – This contains information about the various users available.
·         User login details report – This reports takes the user ID and from / to date as input and generates the report containing the login date, login time and logout time, etc.
·         DD details report – This gives the details of DD stock related details.
·         DD printed report – This gives the report about the DDs printed between a given date range.
·         Valid Remitter report – This gives the details about the report on various valid remitter for a given date range.
·         Valid Beneficiary report – This gives the details about the report on various valid beneficiary for a given date range.
·         Invalid Remitter report – This gives the details about the report on various invalid remitter for a given date range.
·         Invalid Beneficiary report – This gives the details about the report on various invalid beneficiary for a given date range.


Help: This module contains the following 2 things –


·         Help

·         About

The Help menu should display the detail information about the system. It is like a typical help system available in any windows application.
The About menu should give information about this software like developed by, version and contact details.

6.    Requirements:
·   Hardware requirements:

PC with 2 GB hard-disk and 256 MB RAM

·   Software requirements:

Windows 2000/ XP/ or Higher with MS-office
MS-SQL server2000/2005
Ms-Visual Studio .Net 2005
Ms-Internet Explorer

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