The integration of Global Positioning
System (GPS) receivers and sensors into mobile devices has enabled
collaborative sensing applications, which monitor the dynamics of environments
through opportunistic collection of data from many users’ devices. One example
that motivates this project is a probe-vehicle-based automotive traffic
monitoring system, which estimates traffic congestion from GPS velocity
measurements reported from many drivers. This work considers the problem of
achieving guaranteed anonymity in a locational data set that includes location
traces from many users, while maintaining high data accuracy. We consider two methods
re-identify anonymous location traces,
target tracking, and home identification, and observe that known privacy
algorithms cannot achieve high application accuracy requirements or fail to
provide privacy guarantees for drivers in low-density areas. To overcome these
challenges, we derive a novel time-to-confusion criterion to characterize
privacy in a locational data set and propose a disclosure control algorithm
(called uncertainty-aware
path cloaking algorithm) that selectively reveals GPS samples to limit the maximum time-to confusion
for all vehicles. Through trace-driven
simulations using real GPS traces from 312 vehicles, we demonstrate that this
algorithm effectively limits tracking risks, in particular, by eliminating
tracking outliers. It also achieves significant data accuracy improvements
compared to known algorithms. We then present two enhancements to the
algorithm. First, it also addresses the home identification risk by reducing
location information revealed at the start and end of trips. Second, it also
considers heading information reported by users in the tracking model. This
version can thus protect users who are moving in dense areas but in a different
direction from the majority
Several techniques have
been existing to protect against location privacy breaches through inference
methods. However, we are aware of only
one class of techniques, spatial cloaking algorithms for k-anonymity, which can guarantee a defined degree of anonymity
for all users. Other algorithms can be categorized as best-effort algorithms
that increase average privacy levels, but offer no specific guaranteed privacy
level for an individual user.
2.1 Spatial Cloaking for Guaranteed Privacy
k-anonymity formalizes the notion of strong anonymity and
complementary algorithms exist to anonymize database tables. The key idea
underlying these algorithms is to generalize a data record until it is
indistinguishable from the records of at least k # 1 other individuals.
Specifically, for location information, spatial cloaking algorithms have been
proposed that reduce the spatial
accuracy of each location sample until it meets the k-anonymity constraint. To
achieve this, the algorithms require knowledge of the nearby vehicles’
positions, thus, they are usually implemented on a trusted server with access
to all vehicles’ current position.
2.2 Best-Effort Algorithms for Probabilistic Privacy
Best-effort algorithms
suppress information only in certain high-density areas rather than uniformly
over the traces as the sub sampling approach. The motivation for these
algorithms is that path suppression in high-density areas increases the chance
for confusing or mixing several different traces. The path confusion algorithm also concentrates on such
high-density areas although it perturbs location samples rather than
suppressing them. These techniques increase the chance of confusion in high
density areas, but they also cannot guarantee strong privacy in low-density
areas where paths only infrequently meet. Thus, in terms of worst-case privacy
guarantees, their advantage over sub sampling remains unclear.
2.3 Privacy of Best Effort sub sampling
Best-effort privacy techniques do not
fully protect against home identification. While the evaluated home
identification intrusion technique
suffered from many false positives,
this mechanism is at least effective as an automated pre filtering step that
can be followed by manual inspection.
We propose the time-to-confusion metric and
cloaking algorithms to address privacy in an anonymous set of time-series
location traces. We considered two specific privacy risks in anonymous location
target tracking and place
identification and found that these allow tracking and re-identifying data
subjects in anonymous traces, particularly in areas with low user density. We
quantify the tracking risk through the time-to-confusion metric and develop the
uncertainty-aware path cloaking algorithm, which can filter a set of anonymous
GPS traces to guarantee a maximum privacy-risk level (specified as time-to-confusion).
Using a real-world GPS data set, we measure the privacy gain and the achieved
data quality for the proposed solutions compared to a baseline random sampling
technique. We show that our uncertainty-aware path cloaking effectively
guarantees worst-case tracking bounds (i.e.,outliers), while achieving
significant data accuracy improvements.
Development of an uncertainty-aware path cloaking algorithm
that can guarantee a specified maximum time-to-confusion and protect against
home identification risks. Demonstration through experiments on real-world GPS
traces that this algorithm limits maximum time-to-confusion while providing
more accurate location data than a random sampling baseline algorithm. In particular,
it offers guaranteed protection for users that move into low-density areas.
System :
Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
Hard Disk :
40 GB.
Floppy Drive : 1.44 MB.
Monitor :
15 VGA Colour.
Mouse :
Ram :
256 MB.
5.Software Requirements:
System : - Windows XP Professional.
End :
- Asp .Net 2.0.
Language : - Visual C# .Net.
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