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Sunday, 29 January 2012

Adaptive Join Operators for Result Rate Optimization on Streaming Inputs


MODERN information processing is moving into a realm where we often need to process data that are pushed or pulled from autonomous data sources through heterogeneous networks. Adaptive join algorithms have recently attracted a lot of attention in emerging applications where data are provided by autonomous data sources through heterogeneous network environments

Their main advantage over traditional join techniques is that they can start producing join results as soon as the first input tuples are available, thus, improving pipelining by smoothing join result production and by masking source or network delays.

In this project, we first propose Double Index NEsted-loops Reactive join (DINER), a new adaptive two-way join algorithm for result rate maximization. DINER combines two key elements: an intuitive flushing policy that aims to increase the productivity of in-memory tuples in producing results during the online phase of the join, and a novel reentrant join technique that allows the algorithm to rapidly switch between processing in-memory and disk-resident tuples, thus, better exploiting temporary delays when new data are not available

We then extend the applicability of the proposed technique for a more challenging setup: handling more than two inputs. Multiple Index NEsted-loop Reactive join  (MINER) is a multiway join operator that inherits its principles from DINER. Our experiments using real and synthetic data sets demonstrate that DINER outperforms previous adaptive join algorithms in producing result tuples at a significantly higher rate, while making better use of the available memory. Our experiments also shows that in the presence of multiple inputs, MINER manages to produce a high percentage of early results

Existing System:-

All existing algorithms work in three stages. During the Arriving phase, a newly arrived tuple is stored in memory and it is matched against memory-resident tuples belonging to the other relations participating in the join. Since the allocated memory for the join operation is limited and often much smaller than the volume of the incoming data, this results in tuple migration to disk. The decision on what to flush to disk influences significantly the number of results produced during the Arriving phase. The Arriving phase is suspended when all data sources are temporarily blocked and a Reactive phase kicks in and starts joining part of the tuples that have been flushed to disk. An important desideratum of this phase is the prompt handover to the Arriving phase as soon as any of the data sources restarts sending tuples. Each algorithm has a handover delay which depends on the minimum unit of work that needs to be completed before switching phases. This delay has not received attention in the past, but we show that it can easily lead to input buffer overflow, lost tuples, and hence incorrect results. When all sources complete the data transmission, a Cleanup phase is activated and the tuples  that were not joined in the previous phases (due to flushing of tuples to disk) are brought from disk and joined. Even if the overall strategy has been proposed for a  multiway join, most existing algorithms are limited to a two-way join. Devising an effective multiway adaptive join operator is a challenge in which little progress has been mad.

Proposed System:-

In this project, we propose two new adaptive join algorithms for output rate maximization in data processing over autonomous distributed sources. The first algorithm, Double Index NEsted-loop Reactive join (DINER) is applicable for two inputs, while Multiple Index NEsted-loop Reactive join (MINER) can be used for joining an arbitrary number of
input sources.

Implementation :-

DINER (Double Index NEsted-loops Reactive)

            MODERN information processing is moving into a realm where we often need to process data that are pushed or pulled from autonomous data sources through heterogeneous networks.

The key differences between DINER and existing algorithms are 1) an intuitive flushing policy for the Arriving phase that aims at maximizing the amount of overlap of the join attribute values between memory resident tuples of the two relations and 2) a lightweight Reactive   phase that allows the algorithm to quickly move into processing tuples that were flushed to disk when both data sources block. The key idea of our flushing policy is to create and adaptively maintain three nonoverlapping value regions that partition the join attribute domain, measure the “join benefit” of each region at every flushing decision point, and flush tuples from the region that doesn’t produce many join results in a way that permits easy maintenance of the three-way partition of the values.

When tuples are flushed to disk they are organized into sorted blocks using an efficient index structure, maintained separately for each relation (thus, the part “Double Index” in DINER). This optimization results in faster processing of these tuples during the Reactive and Cleanup phases. The Reactive phase of DINER employs a symmetric nested loop join process, combined with novel bookkeeping that allows the algorithm to react to the unpredictability of the data sources. The fusion of the two techniques allows DINER to make much more efficient use of available main memory. We demonstrate in our experiments that DINER has a higher rate of join result production and is much more adaptive to changes in the environment, including changes in the value distributions of the streamed tuples and in their arrival rates


MINER extends DINER to multiway joins and it maintains all the distinctive and efficiency generating properties of DINER. MINER maximizes the output rate by: 1) adopting an efficient probing sequence for new incoming tuples which aims to reduce the processing overhead by interrupting index lookups early for those tuples that do not participate in the overall result; 2) applying an effective flushing policy that keeps in memory the tuples that produce results, in a manner similar to DINER; and 3) activating a Reactive phase when all inputs are blocked, which joins on-disk tuples while keeping
the result correct and being able to promptly hand over in the presence of new input. Compared to DINER, MINER faces additional challenges namely: 1) updating and synchronizing the statistics for each join attribute during  the online phase, and 2) more complicated bookkeeping in order to be able to guarantee correctness and prompt handover during reactive phase. Weare able to generalize the reactive phase of DINER for multiple inputs using a novel scheme that dynamically changes the roles between relations

The contributions of this project:-

.   We introduce DINER a novel adaptive join algorithm that supports both equality and range join predicates. DINER builds on an intuitive flushing policy that aims at maximizing the productivity of tuples that are kept in memory. .

     DINER is the first algorithm to address the need to quickly respond to bursts of arriving data during the Reactive phase. We propose a novel extension to nested loops join for processing disk-resident tuples when both sources block, while being able to swiftly respond to new data arrivals.

 We introduce MINER, a novel adaptive multiway join algorithm that maximizes the output rate, designed for dealing with cases where data are held by multiple remote sources.  We provide a thorough discussion of existing algorithms, including identifying some important limitations, such as increased memory consumption because of their inability to quickly switch to the Arriving phase and not being responsive enough when value distributions change.

. We provide an extensive experimental study of DINER including performance comparisons to existing adaptive join algorithms and a sensitivity analysis. Our results demonstrate the superiority of DINER in a variety of realistic scenarios. During the online phase of the algorithm, DINER manages to produce up to three times more results compared to previous techniques. The performance gains of DINER are realized when using both real and synthetic data and are increased when fewer resources (memory) are given to the algorithm. We also evaluate the performance of MINER, and we show that it is still possible to obtain early a large percentage of results even in more elaborated setups where data are provided through multiple inputs. Our experimental study shows that the performance of MINER is 60 times higher compared to the existing MJoin algorithm when a four-way star join is executed in a constrained memory environment.

                                 System: Pentium IV 2.4 GHz
                                 Hard Disk: 40GB
                                 Ram: 512 MB
                     SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS:                                   
  Microsoft visual studio 2008(ASP.NET,c#)
  SQL server 2005

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