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Sunday, 29 January 2012

Toward Optimal Network Fault Correction in Externally Managed Overlay Networks

                          Considering an end-to-end approach of inferring probabilistic data-forwarding failures in an externally managed overlay network, where overlay nodes are independently operated by various administrative domains. Our optimization goal is to minimize the expected cost of correcting (i.e., diagnosing and repairing) all faulty overlay nodes that cannot properly deliver data. Instead of first checking the most likely faulty nodes as in conventional fault localization problems, we prove that an optimal strategy should start with
checking one of the candidate nodes, which are identified based on a potential function that we develop. We propose several efficient heuristics for inferring the best node to be checked in large-scale networks. By extensive simulation, we show that we can infer the best node in at least 95% of time, and that first checking the candidate nodes rather than the most likely faulty nodes can decrease the checking cost of correcting all faulty nodes.


                                                   Network components are prone to a variety of faults such as packet loss, link cut, or node outage. To prevent the faulty components from hindering network applications, it is important to diagnose (i.e., detect and localize) the components that are the root cause of network faults, as in . However, it is also desirable to repair the faulty components to enable them to return to their operational states. In particular, it is difficult to directly monitor and access all overlay nodes in an externally managed network, whose routing nodes are independently operated by various administrative domains. In this case, we can only infer the network condition from end-to-end information. Considering an end-to-end inference approach
which, using end-to-end measurements, infers components that are probably faulty in forwarding data in an application-layer overlay network whose overlay nodes are externally managed by independent administrative domains. A routing tree topology with a set of overlay nodes, since a tree-based setting is typically seen in destination-based routing (e.g., CAN  and Chord ), where each overlay node builds a routing tree with itself as a root, as well as in multicast routing, where a routing tree is built to connect members in a multicast group,then monitoring every root-to-leaf overlay path. If a path exhibits any “anomalous behavior” in forwarding data, then some “faulty” overlay node on the path must be responsible. In practice, the precise definition of an “anomalous behavior” depends on specific applications. For instance, a path is said to be anomalous if it fails to deliver a number of correct packets within a time window. Using the path information collected at the application endpoints (i.e., leaf nodes), we can narrow down the space of possibly faulty overlay nodes. In the above end-to-end solution, one can tell whether a path behaves anomalously, but cannot specifically tell which and how many overlay nodes on the path are faulty. Since we cannot directly monitor and access externally managed overlay nodes,in order to correct the faulty nodes, we need to contact the administrators of the corresponding domains to manually check a sequence
of potentially faulty nodes and fix any nodes that are found to be actually faulty.


                                            Optimality results for an end-to-end inference
approach to correct (i.e., diagnose and repair) probabilistic network faults at minimum expected cost are observed. One motivating application of using this end-to-end inference approach is an externally managed overlay network, where we cannot directly access and monitor nodes that are independently operated by different administrative domains, but instead we must infer failures via end-to- end measurements. We show that first checking the node that is most likely faulty or has the least checking cost does not necessarily minimize the expected cost of correcting all faulty nodes. In view of this, we construct a potential function for identifying the candidate nodes, one of which should be first checked by an optimal strategy. Due to the difficulty of finding the best node
from the set of candidate nodes, we propose several efficient heuristics that are suitable for correcting fault nodes in large-scale overlay networks.

                                                                The process of diagnosing and repairing faulty nodes in an externally managed overlay network, in which overlay nodes are independently operated by multiple administrative domains is predominant. By an administrative domain, we mean a single administrative authority that controls a collection of resources (e.g., routers and servers) ]. Examples of externally managed overlay networks include Resilient Overlay Network (RON)  which provides routing resilience toward Internet path outages, and Service Overlay Network (SON) , which provides end-to-end quality-of-service guarantees. Both RON and SON deploy overlay nodes over multiple
administrative domains that cooperatively accomplish certain network services. To ensure the availability of these network services, an effective network fault mechanism is therefore necessary.


         System                : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
         Hard Disk            : 40 GB.
         Floppy Drive       : 1.44 MB.
         Monitor                : 15 VGA Colour.
         Mouse                 : Logitech.
         Ram                     : 256 MB.


         Operating System       : - Windows XP Professional.
         Front End                               : - Asp .Net 2.0.
         Coding Language       : - Visual C# .Net.

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