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Sunday, 29 January 2012

Analyzing GOP Structure and Packet Loss Effects on Error Propagation in MPEG–4 Video Streams

    1.ABSTRACT :            

                           Video streaming applications are commonly used in both wired and wireless environment; however, wireless links are burden by higher packet loss ratio and delay variation. In order to make video transmission possible in wireless networks MPEG video coding is usually used to reach the bandwidth constrains of the links. The video quality and compression ratio depends on Group of Pictures (GOP) structure, but it also affects the distortion sensitivity of the video stream due to packet losses. In this  the correlation between GOP size, packet loss ratio and video quality is investigated. By increasing the distance between the reference frames the effectiveness of coding can be improved, but on the other hand the effect of error propagation due to packet losses also increases. Our aim was to find the optimal GOP structure to maximize the coding efficiency and minimize the quality distortion due to error propagation. We have implemented a simulation tool to make the analysis of differently structured video streams transmitted over lossy channels.


                                   The real–time applications usually encode audio/video in a format that handles loss of packets, e.g. MPEG coding standard. MPEG uses intra–frame and inter–frame compression with different types of frames (I, P and B frames). The repeated pattern of I, P and B frames in an MPEG video stream is known as the Group of Pictures (GOP). The choice of GOP structure affects static MPEG properties such as frame size and file size. This structure also impacts the streaming MPEG in terms of network bit-rate and video quality.
The successful decoding ability of the compressed video stream with inter–frame dependencies depends heavily on the receipt of reference frames (I and P frames). While the loss of packets in a frame can degrade the video quality, the more problematic situation is the propagation of errors to dependent frames. By the increase of the packet loss rate, the quality of the decoded frames becomes too poor for viewing. The GOP structure defines the frame type layout of the video; therefore the error propagation extent depends heavily on this structure. The error will propagate till the next reference frame.
             MPEG–4 is an encoding and compression system for digital multimedia content defined by the Motion Pictures Expert Group (MPEG).Inter–frame video compression algorithms such as MPEG–4 exploit temporal correlation between frames to achieve high levels of compression by independently coding reference frames. In this coding standard the majority of the frames are represented as the difference from each frame and one or more reference frames. However, these algorithms suffer from the well–known propagation of errors effect, because errors due to packet loss in a reference frame propagate to all of the dependent difference frames. In existing works the error propagation due to packet losses was analyzed in the GOP pattern through a theoretical model for the error propagation phenomenon generated by a frame loss in a distributed video coding framework. Using rate–distortion functions, they analyzed the impact of a frame loss on the average distortion of a group of pictures depending on the position of the lost frame within the GOP.


                                We proposed the distortion due to error propagation and the MPEG–4 coding efficiency together. We have modeled the error propagation and derived the expected number of infected frames due to the error spreading in the GOP. Besides analytical assumptions, we have performed numerous measurements. Based on our results, we proposed video coding guidelines for videos transmitted over lossy wireless links. Our measurement results showed that the coding efficiency is more beneficial then the distortion caused by error propagation and several GOP structures under different transmission conditions, and  the optimal GOP structure, which provide the best video quality were analyzed. Our aim was to find the optimal distance between the reference frame in order to maximize the coding efficiency and minimize the quality distortion due to error propagation. To make these analyzes, we have implemented a simulation tool. As the result of our measurements, we were able to recommend the adequate GOP structure for the given link loss conditions, in order to achieve the best received video quality.

The presented related works tried to found a general GOP structure for different conditions. These solutions can be acceptable, if there is no information on the link loss ratio and an overall optimum is needed. However, with the new cross layer solutions the measured link characteristics can be handed over to the video coding application


         System                : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
         Hard Disk            : 40 GB.
         Floppy Drive       : 1.44 MB.
         Monitor                : 15 VGA Colour.
         Mouse                 : Logitech.
         Ram                     : 256 MB.

   5.Software Requirements:

         Operating System       : - Windows XP Professional.
         Front End                               : - Asp .Net 2.0.
         Coding Language       : - Visual C# .Net.

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