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Sunday, 29 January 2012

Supporting Pattern Matching Queries over Trajectories on Road Networks

                           With the advent of ubiquitous computing, we can easily collect large scale trajectory data, say, from moving vehicles. This project studies pattern matching problems for trajectory data over road networks, which complements existing efforts focusing on (a) a spatio-temporal window query for location-based service or (b) Euclidean space with no restriction. In contrast, we first identify some desirable properties for pattern matching queries to the road network trajectories. As the existing work does not fully satisfy these properties, we develop (1) trajectory representation and (2) distance metric that satisfy all the desirable properties we identified. Based on this representation and metric, we develop efficient algorithms for three types of pattern matching queries– whole, sub pattern, and reverse sub pattern matching. We analytically validate the correctness of our algorithms and also empirically validate their scalability over large-scale, real-life and synthetic trajectory data sets.


                               The existing  efforts focus on efficiently evaluating the spatio-temporal query, such as supporting range and K nearest neighbor (KNN) queries, from the given query point, for location-based services . Many index structures are surveyed for efficient query processing on the spatio-temporal database.


                                     The three pattern matching queries (whole, sub pattern, and reverse sub pattern matching) to search for similar trajectories to the given
query trajectory. Though the notion of similarity varies across different types of queries, we proposed a unified framework efficiently supporting range and KNN
queries for all three types of matching based on M-tree and pruning rules. We validated the quality of results by visualizing the results for different types of queries over real-life road network trajectories.
R1: Road network. As we assume that the moving object moves only along the road, the moving object should not be located off the road,  and such off road
locations should not affect measuring the distance between trajectories.
R2: Spatial proximity. The distance measure between trajectories should reflect the spatial proximity from the viewpoint of the road network. For instance, the proximity between B and C shares more road segments than A and C, which has to be reflected to the distance measure.
R3: Sampling rate / speed invariant. Due to the difference in sampling rates or speeds, two objects moving along the same route could be represented by two different trajectories . Even when the two objects have the same sampling rates and move along the same route, if the sampling is not synchronized,
their trajectories can still differ . The distance measure should not be affected by when or how often the locations are sampled.
R4: Robust to noise. Due to measurement errors or communication failures, trajectories may contain noises. If a distance measure is sensitive to noise, it cannot reflect the similarity between B and C, and may report A is closer to C. To avoid the problem, the distance measure should be robust to noise, in order to identify an unusual movement as noise and eliminate it in similarity computation.
R5: Metric. In general, it is desirable for distance measures to be metric, because irrelevant objects can be pruned out with no false dismissal leveraging existing index structures.



         System                : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
         Hard Disk            : 40 GB.
         Floppy Drive       : 1.44 MB.
         Monitor                : 15 VGA Colour.
         Mouse                 : Logitech.
         Ram                     : 256 MB.


         Operating System       : - Windows XP Professional.
         Front End                               : - Asp .Net 2.0.
         Coding Language       : - Visual C# .Net.

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