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Monday, 18 July 2011

Project Management Information System (PMIS)

The Project entitled "Project Management Information System (PMIS)" deals with the various levels of project development and will account for time used in analysis, design programming, testing and verification etc.
Information systems development projects range from one-person projects that take very little time and effort to multiple person, multi year efforts costing millions of dollars. The goal of Project Management Information System (PMIS) is to prevent projects from coming in late and going over budget.
Project Management Information System (PMIS) gives the management a clear picture of the usage of time by various projects i.e. utilized time and unutilized time. Every activity, no matter how small or large, requires use of the commodity called time. There is no substitute for time as there are substitutes for other resources. As such it is one of the most precious of resources. By analyzing the results provided by the software they might rectify the defects in utilizing time and take remedial actions.
 Project Management Information System (PMIS) takes time sheet as input. The input may be in non-standard format differing from project to project.
 Project Management Information System (PMIS) produces output in the form of reports. This output gives a clear picture of the time used at various levels of the project.
In Project Management Information System (PMIS) new project information is entered by the technical manager, based on the project information project manager will assign activities to employees who are working under him.
Project Management Information System (PMIS) deals with the various levels of project development and will account for time used in analysis, design, programming, testing and verification etc.
When using this system to manage a project, you need to perform the following activities:
·        Establish a project starting and ending date
·        Enter activities and assign activity relationships
·        Select a scheduling method to review project
Present System:

          In the present system all the information in maintained in the manual records to maintain details of the organization. This system contains details of different projects which are undergoing in the organization, and this becoming difficult to maintain details of all the projects, employees working in different projects and its reports at the same time this manual process is always time taking. So in order to reduce all the drawbacks of the manual system we are for newly automated system.

Proposed System:
The newly constructed system will maintain all the above details at one place and depends upon the login constraints we are using it allows us to access the details of different phases of the system and all this system is constructed with different users and modules.
In the proposed system all the privileges are shared between different users, the users of the application are
·        Project Manager
·        Project Leader
·        Team Leader
·        Team Member
Users Description:
Project Manager:
 The project Manager is mainly responsible for creation of new clients, project registration, teams creation for that particular project, creation of possible modules for that project, time sheet and work assignment details for the employees working for the project and he can have rights to check the status of the total project in the form of reports.
Project Leader:
          Project Leader will be having privileges to go through module details, teams creation and work assigned details, PL will also having privileges to the check the work status of the all employees working in the project and status of the project and he will see all the reports according to his need.
Team Leader:
          The Team Leader is responsible for assigning the individual work to all of his team members, is also responsible for submitting completed work from his project leader. The team leader will be having direct interaction with all the team members and project leader.
Team Member:
          The team member will get the queries from the team lead, from there after he completing all the assigned work he will again submit all his work to his team leader.

Modules Description :
This Project Management Information System is Divided into 5 modules 
·        Login module(Presentation module)
·        Data Processing module
·        Time Sheet module
·        Mailing Assistance
·        Reports
Login Module: The login module will validate the user based on the user name and password, if the entered userid and pwd is valid then based on the designation the privileges are being accessed by that user, and all presentation are comes in this module every presentation is done with xml,jsp,js and html .This module deals with the registration of client, project, team and employees registration (for this project only).
Time sheet Module: This module will be accessible only to the project  manager, when the project is not completed successfully at the issued date or completion date, then PM will register the extended issue date based on the pending work.
Data Processing Module: This module is responsible for all the processing regarding to the registration module. This module will check for the business logic, data base operations, resource management.
Mailing Assistance:
    This module deals with the intranet mailing system to assign the work to different low level authorities by project manager and project leader.
The report will be of different types:
·        Client Report
·        Project Report
·        Project Status Report
·        Time Sheet Report
·        Work assign Report
Client reports:  In this report we need client details, his projects details, starting date of project and client required ending date
Project Status report: In this report we need project details as well as status of that project.
Employee’s details report:  In this report we need employees details only
Time Sheet report: in this report we are retrieving the details of the time schedule allotted to the employees.


HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS                              
PROCESSOR       :         Intel 2.0 GHz or above
HARD DISK        :         80 GB
RAM                    : 512 MB RAM.


OPERATING SYSTEM                     : WINDOWS XP with SP2. 
LANGUAGE (FRONT END)   : JAVA (JDK1.5/1.6),Servlets,JSP
SERVER                                     : APACHE TOMCAT 5.5/6.0
ARCHITECTURE                      : 3-TIER ARCHITECTUR

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