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Monday, 18 July 2011

Speed age

Speed age

            Speed Age Courier System will be the best ecommerce solution for courier business. If you need to setup a new courier business then this system is your quickest solution. Very easy to setup and manage powerful administration. Provide online tracking system of consignment and shipping detail for any time of shipping.

Speed Age is a comprehensive courier software system designed to manage all aspects of a delivery business. Order entry, deliveries, dispatches, receivables, corporate accounts and reporting are some of the much functionality with the application. It is an application which aids to oversee the operations of a courier company at a full-fledged managerial as well as user operational levels.

It provides services for four types of users – Administrator, Dealer, Corporate customers and normal customer.

  • Flexible and User- Friendly UI
  • Manage different branches at locations based on the requests from dealers
  • Testimonials Collection posted by different by different customers as feedbacks
  • Create and manage corporate logins for some companies
  • Dealer can manage their employees at his branch through this application only
  • Consignments Tracking
  • Deliveries management
  • Dispatches management
  • Receivables Management
  • Automatic Discounts evaluations in the bill for corporate customers
  • Corporate customer can track their monthly transactions
  • Finding the status of a consignment from online at any time
  • Finding the branch details
Technologies Used: J2SE, Servlets, JSP, JDBC and Java Script


Problem statement is one of the basic and important phases of project phase. When the basic problem is determined, it is documented and the symptomatic problem is analyzed, then the current list of basic problem is completed. A system is simply a set of components that interact to accomplish some purpose.
            Speed Age is an online software application which fulfills the requirement of a typical management of details of branches, dealers, consignments and deliveries in a courier system. It provides the interface to users in a graphical way to manage the daily transactions as well as historical data.
The aim of this application is to reduce the manual effort needed to manage transactions and historical data used in a courier system. Also this application provides an interface to users to view the details like the branches, deliveries, consignments etc..
          Current system is a manual one in which users are maintaining ledgers, books etc to store the information like booked item details, receivers details, deliveries details and dispatches details etc.. It is very difficult to maintain historical data.

This project is developed using Java Programming Language under Windows.


                                    Current system is a manual one where in consignments, deliveries, dispatches, receives etc details are maintained in books. Whenever a consignment is booked or delivered or dispatched or received by a dealer, the details are entered into various books. Monthly or annual reports and returns are prepared based on the data from these books.

                                    The following are the disadvantages of current system
  1. It is not secure to maintain important information manually
  2. More manual hours need to generate required reports
  3. It is tedious to manage historical data which needs much space to keep all the past years applications, books etc.
  4. User need to wait more time to get his application status.
  5. Data is not in sync in case of manual system.
  6. Co-ordination between various branches is very difficult


                                    Proposed system is a software application which avoids more manual hours that need to spend in record keeping and generating reports. This application keeps the data in a centralized way which is available to all the users simultaneously. It is very easy to manage historical data in database. No specific training is required for the employees to use this application. They can easily use the tool that decreases manual hours spending for normal things and hence increases the performance.

                                    The following are the advantages of proposed system
  1. Easy to track the status of applications at any level at any point of time
  2. Can generate required reports easily
  3. Easy to manage historical data in a secure manner
  4. Centralized database helps in avoiding conflicts
Easy to use GUI that does not requires specific training

              The System after careful analysis has been identified to present with the following modules.

1.  Admin Module: This module maintains deals with functionality like accepting requests for new branches and adding new branches etc.

2.  USERS MODULE: This module deals with major and crucial part which includes information of branches, deliveries, dispatches and consignments.  This module provides interface to add the branches details and dealer ship requests. This module deals with functionalities provided to all users like provide testimonials and view testimonials, tracking consignment and location finding. This module contains three users. Admin user, Dealer, Corporate user and Normal user functions. Admin user can manage and track all the requests and branches. Dealer user contains branch details, tracking the consignments, view the deliveries and add the deliveries details, add and view the details of dispatches, and receivers will be included in this user functions. In this module only the normal user can able to work on functionalities with out giving any user name and password.

3.  DEALERS MODULE: This module deals with major and crucial part that includes the details of available branches and dealers. This module deals with the functionalities like placing a request for dealer ship, recruiting employs, take care about the consignment booking, delivery dispatch and receivers particulars. This module contains the dealer ship requests which are already posted. In this module the dealers can view all the existed branches details and also they can update the details of the branches. If any situation the dealers needs employees for working on their branches, then they can able to recruit directly. The dealer can add the consignment details. They can view the details of all the consignments. In this module the dealers can track all the consignments. The dealers can view the details of all the deliveries.

4.  CONSIGNMENT MODULE: This module deals with major and crucial part that includes tracking and viewing the details of all the consignments. This module deals with the functionalities like storing material particulars including cost category and to find the status of the booked consignment. In this module only the dealer user can add the consignment details. In this description they just provide the details of shipper name, address of the shipper, contact no, description of the material, no of items, branch id, booking date, receivers details, all these details will be included. In this module the normal user can get the details about consignments between two particular dates.

5.  EMPLOYEE MODULE:  This module deals with the functionalities recruiting and terminating employs when a new branch is started. This module contains the details of all the employees those who are recruited by the dealers. The dealers can able to add the new employees and updating the employees.


Hard ware Specification:

Processor                                 :           Intel P-IV based system
Processor Speed                      :           2.0. GHz
RAM                                       :           256 MB to 512 MB
Hard Disk                               :           40GB to 80GB
Key Board                              :           104 keys

Software Specification:

Database                                 :           Oracle 10g.     
Server                                      :           Tomcat 5.0     
Front end                                :           JSP / Servlets, J2SDK 1.4, HTML, DHTML,   
                                                     Java Script

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