This application has been developed with the core objective of addressing and to fulfill Real Estate Business needs.
This application involves in managing sales book, Plot management, sundry creditors and installment details.
This application has three modules includes
Ø Plot Management
o To View/Update the plot details
o To keep track Sold, Vacant, Reserved plot details
o To add new plots into database
Ø Sales Data
o To View/Update the sales book
o To sale plots or alter plot details
o To track the payments made by customers
o To make new payments installment wise
Ø Reports
o Keep track the reporting part
o Various reports like sundry creditors, sundry debtors, sold plots, vacant plots, reserved plots, payments made etc
This application makes the organization to efficiently manage their resources using the following features.
· User friendly front end design using Cascading Style Sheets.
· A multi level java script menu to navigate through various sections
· Provides option to print reports
· Different levels of access can be given to users such as Update, Read only access etc.
· Customized report generation
· Java script validations and alerts where ever needed
· Maintenance of Logs to recover database if any loss occurs
· Column level sorting of tables
· Easy to install and manage. Cross browser competency.
System Analysis is first stage according to System Development Life Cycle model. This System Analysis is a process that starts with the analyst.
Analysis is a detailed study of the various operations performed by a system and their relationships within and outside the system. One aspect of analysis is defining the boundaries of the system and determining whether or not a candidate should consider other related systems. During analysis, data is collected from the available files, decision points, and transactions handled by the present system.
Logical system models and tools are used in analysis. Training, experience, and common sense are required for collection of the information needed to do the analysis.
Existing System:
Here the existing system is a manual one. Every real estate company needs to maintain the details about all their ventures, plot details in each venture, sold plots, reserved plots and vacant plots. This company has to store the information about all the interesting customers who want purchase a plot. These people need to maintain payment details of the customers. Any real estate company has some list of employees then it needs to store the details about all the employees. Maintaining all these details in books and ledgers is a tedious process and generating the reports according our business requirement is a complicated thing and may prone to errors. Searching for a business record takes lot of time. This manual system doesn’t provide any proper security for the information.
Proposed System:
We need to develop a software system, which computerizes each and every business activity of a real estate company and automates all the functionalities of a company. This system also is an interactive and user friendly one. The system is flexible enough to cope up with the changing trends of the company.
This system provides an easy way of storing all the business details at a centralized location (database) with proper security. This system also provides an easy way of user management, setting different access roles to users and changing the passwords of the users. This application helps in storing the customer details who are interested to purchase a plot. By using this application there should be no difficulty for the company people to maintain venture wise plotting information and their statuses. This system also provides a way in maintaining the sales and payment details of all the customers. It can also generate different kinds of reports based on different requirements of the company to know current business status and helps in taking the future decision.
Flow of the system
1. The home page contains all the information about the ventures, plots and their customers. There is also a provision for the administrator of company to create another administrators or a normal user by assigning different role numbers. The administrator can change the passwords of any user. Using this application any realtors company can maintain and manage business data very easily. Directly the homepage itself provides all the above options.
2. There is a menu bar in the central screen which contains several menus, using that the company people can very easily navigate through any of the selected options i.e., plots menu, sales menu, payment menu, employee detail menu and reports menu . Each of these menus contains several other sub menus. Since we have provided this menu bar facility as a header of all the pages the client can go back to the home page or move to any other page very easily if he is interested.
3. There is a separate menu for sales and payments options. This menu is having three options (Sales, Payments and Sundry reports) each of these options contains several other submenu options.
4. There is an interface which provides the user the flexibility of generating different reports according to different business requirements of the organization.
5. After creating the users, the administrator can assign the different roles to the users just by giving different codes.
6. Employee is at ease in filling up the plot details form using the using which the user can enter the full information and selecting the different parameters of the plot just by selecting the options from select boxes.
7. There is also a provision given to the company, to change any plot information and employee information at any point of time in order to meet all the current business requirements.
Specification for differential plots
This application stores details of all the plots and accurately calculates the total amount of the each plot based size of the plot in sq yds and each sq yd unit rate and store the information inside the database. It also allows the users to stores the boundaries, survey and facing details of the plot.
1. High accuracy.
2. Minimum effort.
3. Smart/flexible way of user interaction.
4. Easy Maintenance.
5. Flexible reports which helps in decision making.
1. The main task here is to store different details which are very important for business at a centralized location with proper security through user friendly screens.
2. Creating different users and give them access to enter customer details, plot details, sales and payments from different branches of the company.
3. Display the required information which should give the provision to the employee to get full information regarding his requirements for various plots.
This project is having four modules
1. Employee Management Module
2. Plot Management Module
3. Sales and Payment Module
4. Reports Module.
1. Employee Management Module: This module mainly deals in storing the information related to all the employees working in the organization. It allows the administrator to add a new employee and view the information related to any employee. It also allows the administrator to create different logins for required employees and assign different roles to these people.
2. Plot Management Module:
This module stores venture wise plotting information about all the plots which includes the following details:
· Plot No, Road No and Survey No
· Extent, Sq Yd Cost and other expenses of the plot
· Boundaries of the plot
· Facing details of the plot
· Status of the plot (Sold, Reserved or Vacant).
It helps the users to edit the plot information and view the information related to a particular plot very easily. It provides a facility for the users to print the generated information just by clicking on print icon.
3. Sales and Payment Module:
This module stores the sales and payment details of the plots. It allows different users from different branches to enter the sales details, alter sales details and view the sales information the related to a particular a plot.
Whenever a customer pays some amount then the user can store this transaction can store this transaction into the database using module. In this transaction we can store the customer payment mode (cash/cheque) and the cheque nos, one time payment or installments so that the application can automatically calculates the actual plot amount – the amount paid by the customers and finally displays the balance through view payments option. It allows the users to print the generated required sales information or payments information just by clicking on the print icon.
Reports Module:
This module helps in generating different kinds reports which are very important to know current business status and in taking the decision for future growth of the company. It helps the users in generating the following reports related to plots
Ø Sold Plots Report
Ø Vacant Plots Report
Ø Vacant Plots Report
It also in generating the following reports related to sundry
Ø Sundry Debitors
Ø Sundry Creditors
PROCESSOR : Intel 2.0 GHz or above
RAM : 512 MB RAM.
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