system is manual. It also maintains the user information in records. Which is
much of time consuming process and more importantly it is error prone.
Limitations of the Manual system:
- It is time consuming
- It leads to error prone results
- It consumes lot of manpower to better results
- It lacks of data security
- Retrieval of data takes lot of time
- Percentage of accuracy is less
- Reports take time to produce
Computerization of the existing system is proposed. The new system completely
removes all manual burdens and provide efficient on the entry system.

v In this present system
can be maintain all personal details of the user.
v It can be maintain the
contact information.
v We can edit, update these
v In these can be
maintaining important notes also.
v Admin can view the
collections based on regions
v Customer can pay the
bills through site
v It is time saving process

1. Admin
2. Employee
1. Admin:
This module focuses on the bill payment.
Each user is given a username and password, which identifies him uniquely. The user
is given a login form wherein he enters the login details username and
password. The system on user logging
will automatically mark him present and update his bills accordingly. As he is
a member
The system
shows his form with his/her select options. The options given to a basic
employee are
Add employee
Edi employee
View employee
Delete customer
View customer
Area wise collection
date wise
The administrator is also given an option to update
employee details. Whenever the administrator has to do some changes to the
information of an employee he is shown a form asking him to enter the employee
id based on which the existing employee information is retrieved. After
necessary changes the employee information is updated in the database. But the
system does
At the end the user is able to log out from the
system using the logout option.
2. Employee: This
module focuses on the basic employee. Each employee is given a username and
password, which identifies him uniquely. The user is given a login form wherein
he enters the login details username and password. The system on user logging will automatically
mark him present and update his bills accordingly. As he is a basic user the
system shows his form with his/her select options. The options given to a basic
employee are
ü About us
ü Home
ü Add customer
ü Add collection
ü Logout
Whenever a user wants to see about ebilling. then he
can select the About us option. The system displays the form. The phoneno,meter
no,houseno for retrieving the details from the database. This removes the
burden on user in typing user id again and also maintains security by not allowing
one user to change password of other accidentally.
Whenever the user want to pay the
bills(phonebill,electric bill,water bill) then he go for payment option.In this
user can pay their respective bills.
At the end the user is able to log out from the system
using the logout option.

RAM : 128MB
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