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Saturday, 20 August 2011


    Abstract of the project:
This project is aimed at developing an online defect tracking system useful for applications developed in an organization. The Defect Tracking System (DTS) is a web based application that can be accessed throughout the organization. This system can be used for logging defects against an application/module, assigning defects to individuals and tracking the defects to resolution. There are features like email notifications, user maintenance, user access control, report generators etc in this system.

The software is fully integrated with CRM (Customer Relationship Management) as well as CMS (Content Management System) solution and developed in a manner that is easily manageable, time saving and relieving one from manual works.

A: Following tasks can be performed with the application:

·         User Maintenance
·         Component Maintenance
·         Defect Tracking
·         Report

User Maintenance: Creating, Granting & Revoking access and deleting users from application.
Component Maintenance: Creating a component (application being developed/ enhanced), Granting & Revoking access on components to Users and Marking a component as “Active” or “Closed”.
Defect Tracking: Creating, Assigning defects to users, Modifying and Closing a defect. A defect screen should at least have following details
·         Defect Id and Title
·         Defect priority
·         Date created
·         Defect description
·         Defect diagnosis
·         Name of originator
·         Status
·         Resolution
Report: Generate reports on defects.

B: Following additional tasks also can be performed by this application:

·         Find User
·         Find component
·         Find defect

Find User: A search screen to find users and display results.
Find component: A search screen to find components and display results.
Find defect: A search screen to find defects and display results.


Ø  Defect Tracking System is a web-based application designed to help a workgroup keep track of Defects and tasks via a shared central resource. The system was designed specifically with the IT department in mind, where quick access to shared data and history is a requirement, both from an internal organizational perspective, as well as to fulfill the needs of the customers.

Ø  It provides one roof solution for all the Defects issues in the software development.  It doesn’t provide any kind of solution to any kind of problem. It only acts as a means to transmit the issues and their details to the concerned office personnel with accuracy. It is a tool that helps in providing the solution for the Employee request Log in right time.

Ø  In addition to all these, it also maintains the preferences, customized settings, priorities, users, etc.  It is very critical to solve different kind of reports at a time in the existing system.  The IT departments have different Operational Administrators who were providing so many problems in each and every day. Tracking these defects is a tough job.


Ø  The development of the new system contains the following activities, which try to automate the entire process keeping in view of the database integration approach.
Ø  User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls. The system makes the overall project much easier and flexible to the end user. It can also be deployed over the Internet. Various classes have been used to provide file upload and mail features. There is no risk of data mismanagement at any level while the project development is under process. It provides high level of security using different protocols like https etc. The system Interface provides good environment to solve any kind of defect.
Ø  The system capture the overall details of any defect from this user interface and send it to the particular administrator. Every defect details must be stored in the centralized data base server which can be organized by the company.

5. MODULES:                                                
                  1) Administrator
                  2) Operational Administrator
                  3) Operator
                  4) Defect Tracking
                 5) Search
                 6) Reports
                 7) Registration and Authentication

Administrator can perform these following tasks

User Maintenance
            Users of this system treated as employees. Employees can be recruited by the administrator. Administrator is only authenticated to assign roles to employees
Role Management
In this system role management can be done by the administrator. The roles can be classified into these types
·         General Employee
·         Net work Administrator
·         Data Base Administrator
·         Technical Administrator
·         General Administrator
Based on the employee experience administrator can assign different roles to various employees which are register into this system.
Component Maintenance
Here component in the sense of software which are using in this organization. The component can be classified into different types and modules
1.    Operating System Software
2.    Programming Software
3.    Networking Software
4.    Data Base Software
The above all tasks should be performed by Admin only.

User Maintenance: Creating, Granting & Revoking access and deleting users from application.
Component Maintenance: Creating a component (application being developed/ enhanced), Granting & Revoking access on components to Users and Marking a component as “Active” or “Closed”.
Operational Administrator
In this system who can responsible for solve any defect in the organization is treated as Operation administrator.  For every operational administrator we are having one target mail id.  Based on this mail id employee send his defect report. After receiving any defect from the employee, these administrators are responsible for sending an acknowledgement to the employees. 
After solving the defect the administrator can send a reply notice to the employees.
Here operator is treated as employee only. An operator role is sending defect report to the concerned operational administrators.  Operator can post the completed information regarding the defect which are facing by him.
Additional feature is having by an operator is he can set the priority of that defect. Based on the priority operational administrator can solve those defects.
Defect Tracking: Creating, Assigning defects to users, Modifying and Closing a defect. A defect screen should at least have following details and this defect report can be verified by concerned admin. After verify he can send the status to the employees.
·         Defect Id and Title
·         Defect priority
·         Date created Date and Time
·         Defect description
·         Operator Details
·         Operational Administrator
·         Status

Report: Generate reports on defects. Reports can be generated by the administrator.
Search: Search can be provided by every user of this application. Administrator can search what types of component are used in this organization. Employees can search their own profiles.
Registration and Authentication
Every user must be a registered person. This registration can be approved by the administrator. After successful completion of registration process a user can able to log in into the system. The user credentials can be validated in this authentication module.
Password management like forgot password and remember password features can be added in authentication modules.

6. Requirements:
·   Hardware requirements:

PC with 2 GB hard-disk
and 256 MB RAM

·   Software requirements:
Windows 2000/ XP/ or Higher with MS-office
MS-SQL server2000/2005
Ms-Visual Studio .Net 2005
Ms-Internet Explorer

1 comment:

  1. You have really helped several of individuals like me, who have been searching internet from past quite a long time to find detailed information on this particular topic. I appreciate your work.

    Defect tracking system project
