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Saturday, 20 August 2011

Civil Registry

Civil Registry is the online system or agency to help the Indian citizens to apply for there government records like passport, driving license, voter’s ID card, PAN card etc… And register certificates like birth, death, marriage etc.
                          The primary objective of this web site is to give awareness about the government or legal documents and its registration details as well as to help to register or apply for those documents. This also acts as a consultancy agency to assist the public.
The main purpose of the web site is to reduce the effort by candidate and save his time and avoid unwanted rushes at the government offices and assure a smooth working schedule at government offices.
            The project civil registry still requires more development of IT solutions and its applications to improve the issuance of copies of government certificates and legal documents. Civil registry term trying to get more affiliation to government offices and departments. Now civil registry team acting as agency to help the public.

  1.  Existing System:
Existing system refers to the system that is being follow till now.  Presently all the registrations are done manually.  If a person wants to make registrations like birth, death, marriage etc he should directly contact the corresponding office.  The main disadvantage is that there will be lot of difficulties for the citizens. So, all these procedures will be a time consuming one.
  1. Proposed System:
Civil Registry is aimed at developing a web-based system.  In this system the person can register online and do many things. The details of all the things are made available to them through the website. 
§  This website provides online help for legal queries.  
§  This website helps all the users to view the registration.
§  The user can post thread in the forum.
§  The system is user friendly. 
  1. Modules:
This “Civil Registry” project involves 2 modules:
            Civil Registry is having mainly 2 modules. One is administrator and other one is citizens. It maintains authentication in order to access the application. Administrator task is verified and sanction all requests from citizens like passport registration, birth registration, electricity registration etc... And he can view the feedbacks of website and send mails.
            In Citizen’s module Indian citizens apply for there government records like passport, pan card, Voter’s ID etc… And register certificates like birth, death, marriage etc. He can check status of requests and post comments about website.
            Visitors can view all details of registration like birth, death, marriage certificates etc. he can post comments about website.
  1. Requirements:


Processor                     :           INTEL Pentium 4
            RAM                           :           512MB
            Hard Disk Drive         :           40GB
            Key Board                  :           Standard 101/102 or Digi Sync Family
            Monitor                       :           Display Panel (1024 X 764)
            Display Adapter          :           Trident Super VGA
            Network Adapter        :           SMC Ethernet Card Elite 16 Ultra
            Mouse                         :           Logitech Serial Mouse

WINDOWS NT 4 | 2000 | 9.X | ME
      Visual Studio .Net 2008 Enterprise Edition
       Internet Information Server 5.0
       Visual Studio .Net Framework (Minimal for Deployment)                          
        SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition   

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