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Tuesday, 19 July 2011


This project deals with the Mailing System. This project is having different modules like new User creation form named it as a Sign Up form and already existing user can logged into the Mailing System named it as a Sign In form.

Present System:
Present System is manually providing services to employees of departments of an Organization. Employees have to go departments to know some particular information. Some times information is passed by manually between departments. This manual system will take time to pass the information and sometimes it causes loss of information also. There by causing loss of employee time also. Thus the present system stated is Time taking, Security less, Cost Consuming.

Need for new System:
Now a days the organizations are growing fast and are increasing in size also. So these organizations are divided into departments. In the fast growing world the information is need as fast as possible. This can be accomplished by passing the information quickly. Quick passing of mails is not possible in load manual systems. Because in manual systems the mails are passed through persons from one department to another. But it takes mush time and risk also. This leads the inconsistency of information. So we need a system which is both quick and accurate. This can be achieved by mailing system.
Intranet mailing system sends the mails spontaneously with out requiring the parties be available at the same instant. Furthermore mails can be send more people at the same time. It also leaves a written copy of the sending mails that can filed away. This is much cheaper than the manual system. Although electronic mail can be viewed as just a special case of the file transfer. The ultimate senders and receivers are always people, not Machines. This fact has resulted in electronic mail systems being constructed as two distinct, but closer related parts: One providing for the human interface composition, editing and reading mail and one for transforming mail i.e means managing mailing lists and providing notification delivery.

Proposed system:
The proposed system contains all the features of the mailing system as  with the Internet. Such as Inbox, Compose, Address Book, Password Change, New user Registration.
The proposed system can be used all around the organization by interconnecting all the terminals in LAN. Here all these features will be visible only for the registered users (or) employees of the organization.
Advantages with the proposed system:
The user of Intranet Mailing System are given a unique login id and must give the correct password. It gives total security for us. So unauthorized user can't allowed to see our messages. Even if the user forgets his/her password reminding facility by which the user can recollect the password and log into the system.
The main advantage of the Intra mail system is it's security feature allowing only registered users to access the system and preventing any hackers, unauthorized users.
As the access for the IMS is only restricted to the people registered within the organization itself and information is transferred with in the organization itself, and all this transformation will be up to some limit so the data transformation will be fast.
This project deals with the Mailing System. This project is having different modules like new User creation form named it as a Sign-Up form and already existing user can logged into the Mailing System named it as a Sign In form.

This was submitted with two modules given below

1.            Sign Up Option

2.      Sign In Option

1). Sign Up Option:

This module deals with the sign up process. This module is having the facilities for creating new account in this Intranet Mailing System. This feature is provided by clicking signup option and it displays fill up form.
In sign up form the new user can fill all the details of the new user. This form will takes all the details about the user. This will loads the information like Username, User Password. Confirm Password, the Age of the user, Sex, in which city user is living, the state belongs to the user, City, Pin code, Nation. This form contains some optional fields and some are compulsory fields.
After entering the details in to the form the user can select the option provided on the sign up form. The option is Register. When user clicked on the 'Register' button first Mailing System checks whether the user name already existed or not.
If the user name is already present in the database system the corresponding dialog box will be given to the user and this process will be repeated until the user is entered new username which is not existing on the database. If not it will checks further fields. If any one or more than one compulsory field is empty it gives the message to the user that the corresponding field is empty.
 If he enters values in all compulsory fields then the mailing system checks whether the user is entered the same values in the fields User Password and Confirm Password. If he entered same values the form will be submitted otherwise the system will gives the corresponding alert message to the user.

2)Signln Option:
 If the user is already contains an account in this system, this form permit to enter in to this mailing system. Now he can use all the facilities provided by this Mailing System. A valid accountant can access these facilities by entering the two options provided by the logging screen, if not he can create the new* user account by using the facility of the Sign In form.
By entering the Username and Password of the user presses the Sign in button. If the username & password are correct then system gives the permission to logon in to the Mailing system. This checking at the database side is compulsory for the purpose of authentication. Only a valid user can access the facilities provided by this present Intranet Mailing System. In this fashion this form is providing some sort of security.
If the Username & Password are valid, now the user is successful enough to logging on to the system, two frames are displayed. Left-hand side frame displays the user menu and the right hand side menu displays the information about how many mails he received. By clicking this user Inbox will be displayed.


HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS                              
PROCESSOR       :     Intel 2.0 GHz or above
HARD DISK        :     80 GB
RAM                     : 512 MB RAM.


SERVER                                     : APACHE TOMCAT 5.5/6.0
ARCHITECTURE                      : 3-TIER ARCHITECTUR

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