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Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Network Protocol Simulation

       The main aim of the project Protocol Simulation System is to permit the
authenticated users to Better Understand the Functionalities of Different Protocols in Different Stages of Data Transfer using OSI Layers.
       The Protocol Simulation System is a new system bringing OSI Layers information in a better way, in which different way Layers differ with each other and the way of running of information in each and every Layer.
       The new Protocol Simulation System includes a no of features which helps the End User in a reliable and easiest  Simulation of the Protocols
¨     Can Check any one of the Layers Directly
¨     Separate Links between Protocols of different Layers
¨     Parallel execution of the sessions
¨     Giving a chance for manipulating the settings or options of different Layers.
¨     Can be accessed from anywhere on the web
Network protocols Simulation is a tool, which helps the users of the system to get clear picture of the network layers, their functions and the protocols used in the layers. The simulation tool will clearly explain the functioning of the protocols used in all the layers in neat graphical interface. The tool takes some values from the users and simulates the working of the protocols.
                      NPS tool has good animations GUI ,user friendly interface this is done using swings in java language Computers on a network communicate in agreed upon ways called protocols. The complexity of networking protocol software calls for the problem to be divided into smaller pieces. A layering model aids this division and provides the conceptual basis for understanding how software protocols together with hardware devices provide a powerful communication system.

Layering Models

In the early days of networking, before the rise of the ubiquitous Internet, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) developed a layering model whose terminology persists today.
Table 2. ISO 7-Layer Reference Model

Name of Layer
Purpose of Layer
Layer 7
Specifies how a particular application uses a network.
Layer 6
Specifies how to represent data.
Layer 5
Specifies how to establish communication with a remote system.
Layer 4
Specifies how to reliably handle data transfer.
Layer 3
Specifies addressing assignments and how packets are forwarded.
Layer 2
Data Link
Specifies the organization of data into frames and how to send frames over a network.
Layer 1
Specifies the basic network hardware.
The 7-layer model has been revised to the 5-layer TCP/IP reference model to meet the current needs of protocol designers.
Table 3. TCP/IP 5-Layer Reference Model

Name of Layer
Purpose of Layer
Layer 5
Specifies how a particular application uses a network.
Layer 4
Specifies how to ensure reliable transport of data.
Layer 3
Specifies packet format and routing.
Layer 2
Specifies frame organization and transmittal.
Layer 1
Specifies the basic network hardware.

Existing system:-

             In the present situation people from all domains have less knowledge of networking , the reason for that is it not as easy concept as the other computer science topics ,theory about TCP/IP protocol layers not that easy to understand as it is very low level implementation format at the same time all these layers are already taken care by the under lying operating system, so people do not really bother about the tcp/ip layers there by the coming generation as well forget importance of TCP/IP layers

Proposed system:-
                         In this application we are trying to generate awareness about the TCP/IP layers to all the people who are not in networking domain as well as to the people who feel difficulty in understanding these layers

Project Scope

When communication is desired among computers from different vendors, the software development effort can be very difficult. Different vendors use different data formats and data exchange protocols that do not allow computers to communicate with one another. Recognizing the problem, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) develops communications architecture known as the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model that defines standards for linking heterogeneous computers.


Overall Description

 Product Perspective

The Protocol Simulation is a new system that will help in understanding the working of OSI  layers. It will give the simulation for working of the OSI layers. By seeing this, every user will get a clear picture of how the OSI layers will work and what are its functions.

Product Features

The Protocol Simulation System will permit the End Users to know the inner functionalities of different Protocols in Different type of OSI Layers.The User can Pause, Resume and Stop the Proceedings of the Simulation at any time to check the functionality.  He/She can also vary the functionalities by setting different options as well as settings. He/She can also get Help by clicking on the Help Button.

 User Classes and Characteristics

1.      Normal Users :  - Any user can use the system and can analyze the working of OSI layers by using different settings.

Operating Environment

I.       The Protocol Simulation System shall operate with a web browser having  java runtime environment plugins.  

Design and Implementation Constraints

I.                     The system shall use the current corporate standard JDK1.x,

II.                 All HTML code shall confirm to HTML 4.0 standard.

III.             All scripts must be written in JavaScript.

IV.              All the computational statements must be separated from JSP pages.

    User Documentation

I.                     The system shall provide an online hierarchical and cross linked help system in HTML that describes and illustrates all system functions. 

Assumptions and Dependencies

The operations of the Simulation of  Protocols depends on the
            Default settings and changes made by the User.

System Features

 Starting and Viewing Simulation

The End user may start any one of the Layers Directly. Some times the
user may want to go back to home page or to some other layer from the current layer. 
 Stimulus/Response Sequences
    Stimulus:    The user requests the system to know about a layer.
       Response:    System responds the user by opening the corresponding layer page. 
    Stimulus:      The user requests the system to simulate a protocol.

                     Response:     System checks whether JVM plugins are available.                  
              If they exists, the system opens the Protocol page along         th corresponding java applet.
                Stimulus:          The user request the system to change the settings.
              Response: The System responds by opening a frame to change the settings or options.
                 Stimulus:         The user requests the system to confirm the settings by pressing Done.
              Response: System Store the changed settings temporarily for this Session
             Stimulus:    The user request to start the simulation.
             Response:  The system responds with appropriate simulation of that Particular protocol.


HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS                              
PROCESSOR       :   Intel 2.0 GHz or above
HARD DISK        :   80 GB
RAM                    : 512 MB RAM.


OPERATING SYSTEM             : WINDOWS XP with SP2.  
TECHNOLOGY                         : APLLETS,AWT,SWINGS.
ARCHITECTURE                      : 3-TIER ARCHITECTUR

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