Every hospital needs an online system where by it can accommodate the patients comfortably and avoid any confusion to the doctors regarding their work. There should be a system where the patients are categorized under insurance policy and non policy holders and the system helps the hospital management to claim the bills from concerned insurance companies. All these needs and much more are fulfilled in MediTracker.
MediTracker is useful to record patient’s details along with the compliant. It also records the inpatient details and outpatient details and arranges the appointment of doctors. MediTracker also provides the management reports like schedules, appointments of doctors, inpatients, insurances and discharges. And also used to generate bills dynamically for the discharged patients etc.
The administrative user can create new users and change their passwords. He can add the doctor’s information as well as new doctor’s details. He can add information related to inpatients, outpatients, rooms availability, billing and insurance information. The administrator can view the management reports.
The doctors can change their own passwords. He can view his own appointments and information of inpatients and outpatients for any day.
Manager is another person who manages the activities in the hospital. He can add a new doctor to the list. He can also add new room information. He can view the information of doctors, rooms and patients.
An accountant can add the information related to patient insurances and view all the reports. He can view the details of inpatients, outpatients and discharged patient’s information. He also collects the bill amount from the patient and enters it into the system. MediTracker thus ensures smooth operation of the hospital management tasks as well as offering facility to the patients.
Technologies Used : J2SE, Servlets, JSP, JDBC and Java Script
Current system is a manual one in which users are maintaining books to store the information like Patients details, Doctors details, Available rooms and insurance facilities, as well as employee details. It is very difficult to maintain historical data. Also regular investments need to purchase stationary every year.
The following are the disadvantages of current system
- It is difficult to maintain important information in books
- More manual hours need to generate required reports
- It is tedious to manage historical data which needs much space to keep all the previous years ledgers, books etc
4. Daily admissions of patients are to be entering into different books immediately to avoid conflicts which are very difficult.
Proposed system is a software application which avoids more manual hours that need to spend in record keeping and generating reports. This application keeps the data in a centralized way which is available to all the users simultaneously. It is very easy to manage historical data in database. No specific training is required for the employees to use this application. They can easily use the tool that decreases manual hours spending for normal things and hence increases the performance. As the data is centralized it is very easy to fix an appointment of doctor with a patient immediately.
The following are the advantages of proposed system
- Easy to manage all the daily admissions of patients and appointments of doctors.
- Can generate required reports easily
- Easy to manage historical data in a secure manner
- Centralized database helps in avoiding conflicts
- Easy to use GUI that does not requires specific training.
The System after careful analysis has been identified to present with the following modules.
1. EMPLOYEE INFORMATION & DOCTORS MODULE: This module maintains all the information, which belongs to the employees who are working with the Hospital. This module maintains the details all the four types of users. This module separately maintains the information of different departments. This can be maintaining Admin, Manager, Doctors, and Accountants. All the employees’ details are recorded to database and can be viewed as a report.
This module maintains all the information of doctors in the hospital. All the doctors’ details are recorded to database and can be viewed as a report that displays the schedules of doctors. The admin user, manager, and doctor can view the details of all the doctors. Each and every doctor can have their own personal identification numbers. Any one of the above mentioned users can view the doctors details like, Identification number of the doctor, name, date of joining in that hospital, personal contact number, doctor’s designation or specialization, experience as a doctor, working days, holiday in that week, how much money the doctor has been charging per hour or per day, these details are placed inside the doctors list. This list is available only for the above mentioned doctors. The user wants the details in sequencing order, he can just click on any of the field that is showing in the doctor’s list then it will be automatically displayed in sorting order. If the user wants print out of the doctor’s list then he can collect the print out just clicking on the print option that is showing on the screen.
2. PATIENTS & APPOINTMENTS MODULE: This module deals with major and crucial part which includes information of patients admitted either as inpatient or as outpatient This module provides interface to add the Patients details and can be viewed as a report that displays all the information about the inpatients and outpatients in the hospital. If the patient needs to join in the hospital as inpatient, then the user just go through the option “Admission as” which is available in the new patient’s admission form. If the user selects the patient as an inpatient then he should give the details of insurance. If he is working in any organization then he can directly claim the insurance, otherwise he should give the details of any of his relatives details as a guardian. Then the insurance claiming will be processed with the name of his guardian. All the users means Admin, Manager, Doctor and Accountant can view the full details of all the users, which are joined in the hospital, but only Admin User can add the patient’s details. The Patients module displays all the details of the patient including Patient ID, Patient Name, contact no, Occupation, Nature of Illness, admission date and discharge date all these details will be displayed. This module deals with major and crucial part that includes Appointments of doctors that are either given to patients or to any charity etc. This module provides interface to add the appointments of doctors and can be viewed as a report that displays all the appointments given to patients and charities etc. Admin user, Doctor user and Manager user can view the details of all the users. Only Admin and Manager can allot the new appointments for the patients. Whenever the user click on the field “view appointments”, it will display the doctor’s details, either the doctor given the appointment to patient or charity these details it will be displayed. The total appointments information will be placed inside the database.
3. ROOMS MODULE: This module deals with major and crucial part that includes the details of available rooms in the hospital for inpatients. This module provides interface to add the rooms and can be viewed as a report that displays all the empty rooms and reserved rooms and it can also shows the different types of rooms available in the hospital. Basically some categories of rooms are available in the hospital. Whenever the patient admits in the hospital, the admin user or the manager will fill the admission form of the patient. If the patient wants to join as an inpatient then it will display availability of the rooms in some categories. According to the availability, the patient can chose the room. Rooms description, Visiting hours for the patient’s relatives this type of information will be displayed in the rooms list. Only admin user and the manager can view details of all rooms, rooms availability information, and they can allot the new rooms for the patients.
4. DISCHARGES & INSURANCE MODULE: This module deals with major and crucial part that includes discharges of inpatients and updates the rooms’ status as empty after discharge of the patient. This module provides interface to discharge a patient and can be viewed as a report that displays all the discharges of patients done in the hospital. Every patients information will be placed inside the database. When the time of discharge the concern user will check out the details of corresponding patient. Whenever the user wants to check the patient’s details, the discharges module will display the details like, date of joining, date of discharge, consultant doctor, referred by doctor, and insurance claiming all these details will be displayed. All the four types of users can view the details of the discharges in any time, but only admin user can make the discharges. Any of the users can collect the information about the discharges.
This module deals with major part which includes Insurances of patients which are admitted as inpatients. This module provides interface to add the details of insured patients and can be viewed as a report that displays all the details of inpatients who are insured. First of all this module will checks whether the patient wants the insurance claiming or not. If the patient wants the insurance claiming, then it will check the patient is working in any organization or not. If the patient is working in any organization only the insurance claiming will processed on the name of the patient, if at all he is not working in any organization, then he should provide the details of any other working person in his family. Then that time only the insurance processings will be transferred into his guardian’s account. The processing will be be processed based on the patient’s bill details.
5. ADMINISTRATOR MODULE: This module is used to maintain the details of users of the project. Users are divided into four categories.
- Admin
- Doctors
- Managers
- Accountants
All the four types of users details will be displayed in this module. Only the administrator can have wrights to add or delete the users from the users list. If at all the administrator wants to add one more user, then he can add. Remaining users can’t do this type works. All the admin user works, features all these information will be provided in this module. The works and features of the doctors, managers and accountants will be displayed in this module. All the four user’s can view the total reports in this application.
6. REPORTING MODULE: This module used to provide reports required by the higher management. To generate dynamic reports like Schedules of Doctors, information about the inpatients and outpatients, Appointments of the doctors given to charities and patients, details of insured inpatients and discharges of inpatients done in the hospital.
The Reports module having the following information.
· Doctors
· Appointments
· Discharges
· Inpatients
· Generate Bill
· Insurance
If at all the patient or other user’s wants to check the doctors list, then they can check out the details of the doctors, his designation, experience using the Reporting module.
All information about the doctors appointments, patient discharges, Inpatients details, generating bills and insurance claiming, all these information will be displayed with the help of Reports module.
Hard ware Specification:
Processor : Intel P-IV based system
Processor Speed : 2.0. GHz
RAM : 256 MB to 512 MB
Hard Disk : 40GB to 80GB
Key Board : 104 keys
Software Specification:
Database : MySQL 5.0, MySQL 3.5 JDBC driver
Server : Apache Tomcat 4.1
Front end : JSP / Servlets, J2SDK 1.4, HTML,DHTML,
Java Script
Editor : Edit plus
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