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Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Job Portal

                                         Now-a-days the job market is so extensive that a variety of industries and companies are searching for right candidates and the prospective candidates are searching for right companies for growth opportunities. This purpose is served by most of the job portals on line. This is another job portal with an open environment for the job seekers and recruiters to meet on the same dais and know about each other so that the right candidate is placed in a right company.
                                         The aim of Job Portal is facilitate both the candidates seeking jobs as well as the employers looking for employees for their companies. In this online application, any job seeker can search for the available jobs at any moment with updated information. When he finds a job, he can post his application to the job on line. Employers can advertise the vacancies by taking the membership, logging in and posting the job information with the eligibility criteria for the jobs. This software establishes a direct connection between the employer and the job seeker.
                                         A job seeker can directly visit this portal and view the jobs availability information along with downloading the required information. When he logs into the system, he would be able to upload his application and post walk-in details which he knows would be held by a company. This information helps other users very much to attend the same. Further, the user will be able to view the list of companies for which ha has already applied. This enables him to take a decision when he gets a call from a company and how much time elapsed since he has applied for the company.
                                         A registered user will be able to get useful information regarding the placement papers and sample resumes which help him to create his own resume according to industry standards. Common interview questions and sample covering letters are also available online along with FAQ’s which aid the candidate to pave his route into the job world.
                                         A recruiter or employer can view some part of the information of job seekers initially. When the recruiter logs into the system, he would be able to view the user profiles separately along with uploading the information of newly created jobs and walk-ins. He can also see all the applications received for a particular job in response to his advertisement.  Thus Job Miller is a common platform where corporate recruiters and job seekers come under the same roof.

            Here the existing the is nothing but the existing job portal developed using the platform independent technologies like ASP, PHP etc. It is not allowing to cater the needs of all type of users (Job Seekers, Employer and administrator) properly and doesn’t provide convenient mechanism like reducing unnecessary information for end user acceptability.
Doesn’t provide effective and efficient services for different users of this sytem.
Doesn’t provide secure and portable application
Doesn’t provide all other related services under this portal
Doesn’t provide the facility to the Job Seeker to track the job details to which he has applied for.
Doesn’t provide Fast and efficient system
With the advent of new technology every task in modern life is being absorbed rapidly within the routine of human life. Such technologies are applied for various fields to improve the overall system performance to improve the productivity and popularity of the organization.
This product has been mainly designed to overcome some of the problems faced with the previous system. The main problem faced was unnecessary delay in generating the required information by all unnecessary fields into consideration.
                                          It provides an efficient way to pass the information between different users to cater their needs. It is a Complete Portal for Job seekers and employers. It is an exclusive career portal aimed just for the service of job seekers. It is a common platform where corporate recruiters and job seekers come under roof.  It is a one stop information clearing house about jobs and careers. Job Miller mainly aims on two kinds of users
               Search jobs, post your resume and access career info and download sample resumes, Papers of various recruiters and sample cover letters etc. and can upload any useful info.

Get instant access to today's most powerful hiring tools - post jobs, search resumes, screen candidates and streamline your entire hiring process.

Ø  Faster and efficient system
Ø  Wider range services available under one roof
Ø  Highly Secure and Portable application
Ø  Provides a facility for the Job Seekers to track their job details he has applied for
Ø  Provides a facility for the Employer to search for required people very easily
Ø  Provides efficient search mechanism using dynamic query generation

Feasibility Report
Technical Feasibility:
The system is self-explanatory and does not need any extra sophisticated training. As the system has been built by concentrating on the Graphical User Interface Concepts, the application can also be handled very easily with a novice User. The overall time that is required to train the users upon the system is less than half an hour.
            The System has been added with features of menu-driven and button interaction methods, which makes the user the master as he starts working through the environment. The net time the customer should concentrate is on the installation time.


For the flexibility of the user, the interface has been developed in graphical user interface mode. The normal interface is applied through browser.
The GUI’s at the top level has been categorized as:
 1) Jobseeker Functions
 2) Employer Functions
 3) Guest user Functions
The Jobseeker Functions concentrates on the consistent information that is practically, pact of the organizational activities and which needs proper authentication for the data collection. This user can perform some tasks with out registering or with out enter into the application.  He can able to search for the jobs in the site. He can able to download the information which is available for the jobseekers. He can able to view the walk-in details and can able to view the job details. The jobseeker can perform some tasks after enter into the application only. In any situation the jobseeker needs to change his password then he can change on his own. He can view the details of his own profile and he can modify his details in his profile. He can view the details of jobs which are available in Job Street. He can view the details of all the walk-ins. The job seeker can add the new walk-in details. He can able to apply for the new jobs. He can view the details of all the applied jobs. He can be able to upload his information.   
The Employer Functions helps to perform some tasks without login. He can view the little information about the job seekers. He can be able to download the information. He can view the details of all the walk-ins. He can view the details of all the jobs. The employer can view the details of all the jobseekers and he can view the details of all the jobs and also he can post for the new jobs. After login only the employer can perform some tasks. In any situation he needs to change the password then he can change it. The employer can view his own profile and also he can view the all the jobseekers profiles. He can able to post for a new job. He can view the details of all the jobs which are available in job street.  He can able to post new walk-in details. The employer can be able to upload the information. He can be able view the candidates resumes applied for jobs posted by him.
The Guest User Functions helps to perform some tasks on his own. He can able to search for the jobs. The guest user can download the information from the site. He can be able to view all the walk-in details. He can view the details of all the jobs which are available in job street. He can view the little information about jobseekers. If the guest user wants register in the site, then he can register. After registering into the site then he will be one of the jobseeker.

Number of Modules

The system after careful analysis has been identified to present itself with the following modules:
Ø  Job Street Module: This module provides user interface to add the new jobs in job street. This module deals with the functionalities like Posting Jobs & Walk in details. This module also includes job search functionality which is very helpful for job seekers to search various jobs. Also provides facility to filter the jobs based on various filters like Location, Experience and Functional Area. Keyword search is also available. User can filter the results by specifying the criteria like ‘any word’, ‘all words’ and ‘Exact Phrase’. This search engine uses Dynamic Queries to generate exact results. Functionality that allows registered Job seekers to apply for the selected jobs also included in this module.

Ø  Resumes Module: This module deals with user registration and creation of user profile and uploading resume. Also allows users to update their details and change the uploaded resume. Registered users can login and view their profile and can edit it. In this module some model resumes are available and any of the user can use those resumes and they can download the resumes.

Ø  Upload & Downloads module:  This module allows users to download placement papers, sample resumes and cover letters, FAQs and other useful information. Also allows registered users to upload their own content to the server. This module keeps the data in a secure manner to avoid un authorized file access. In this module the user can upload any of the following things. Sample Resumes, Cover Letters, Placement Papers, FAQ’s, Tutors, and all the information. Only the registered users can upload the above information. Otherwise it will show the message like “you are not the authorized person to deal this”. Any of the user can download the information without taking any registration.
Ø  Employer module: This module mainly deals with functionalities provided for the employers which include Employer registration, Posting of Job & Walk in details. View profiles of job seekers and view the resumes of candidates applied for various jobs posted by them. The employer is having some tasks to perform without login and some tasks to perform after login. The employer module can display all the job details. Only the employer user can post the new job. The employer user can view all the details of jobseekers when he was entered into his login. This module contains all the walk-in details.


HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS                              
PROCESSOR       :     Intel 2.0 GHz or above
HARD DISK        :     80 GB
RAM                     : 512 MB RAM.


SERVER                                     : APACHE TOMCAT 5.5/6.0
ARCHITECTURE                      : 3-TIER ARCHITECTUR

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