Online Library Management System is a system which maintains the information about the books present in the library, their authors, the members of library to whom books are issued, library staff and all. This is very difficult to organize manually. Maintenance of all this information manually is a very complex task. Owing to the advancement of technology, organization of an Online Library becomes much simple.
The Online Library Management has been designed to computerize and automate the operations performed over the information about the members, book issues and returns and all other operations.
This computerization of library helps in many instances of its maintenances. It reduces the workload of management as most of the manual work done is reduced.
Existing System
Early days Libraries are managed manually. It required lot of time to record or to retrieve the details. The employees who have to record the details must perform their job very carefully. Even a small mistake would create a lot of problems. Security of information is very less. Report generations of all the information is very tough task.
Maintenance of Library catalogue and arrangement of the books to the catalogue is very complex task. In addition to its maintenance of member details, issue dates and return dates etc. manually is a complex task.
All the operations must be performed in perfect manner for the maintenance of the library with out any degradation which may finally result in the failure of the entire system.
Benefits of automation
Automation is procedure of converting a traditional system in to a computer organization. To overcome the defects of the existing system automation was introduced by the computerization of organization we get many benefits.
The main objectives of undertaking this project are:
· The students will register them through Online
· Individually each member will have his account through which he can access the information he needs.
· Book details like authors, number of copies totally maintained by library, present available number of books, reference books, non-reference books etc. all this information can be made handy.
· Regarding the members designation, number of books was issued.
· Issue dates and returns of each member is maintained separately and fine charged if there is any delay in returning the book.
· Administrator can add, update the books.
· Time consuming is low, gives accurate results, reliability can be improved with the help of security.
Proposed System
To solve the inconveniences as mentioned above, an Online Library is proposed.
- The user inputs data ( eg : fills out an HTML form and clicks the submit button.)
- The client (Browser) sends the data to the web server in a standard format (i.e., the GET method or the POST method).
- The web server launches the program specified by the user and feeds it the input (form) data.
- The program (eg : servlet) processes the form data and produces another HTML page.
- The web server sends back the HTML page to the browser.
- The web browser then displays the response page .
Hardware and Software Configuration of the System:
· Pentium IV Processor. 40 GB HDD, 256 MB RAM.
· Tomcat Web Server 5.025
· J2SE 1.4.
· JDBC/ODBC drivers installed.
· Java Server Pages
· Struts Framework 1.1
· Functional Java enabled browser.
· Data Base (MySQL).
· Operating System (Windows 2000).
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