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Monday, 25 July 2011

Addition Modification and Replacement Scheme System

                                          The procedure is applicable to invest proposals for Additions, Modifications and Replacements (AMR) involving an expenditure of more than Rs.10 lakhs and upto Rs.25 crores. An AMR scheme can be any one or combination of Addition, Modification and Replacement.


      Adding to the existing facility for

• Improvement of production / productivity.

• Improvement of quality of products.

• Introduction of new product.

• Cost reduction/ Energy savings/ Environmental control.


 Improving or revamping of existing facility for Reducing cost of materials/labour/power / energy.

Improvement quality of products / services/ safety.

Balancing/ de-bottlenecking of production processes.

Better pollution control.


Replacing the existing machines with better performance machines.


Automation of AMR Schemes is to eliminate heavy load paper work by
Converting it into web based computer process.

This web-based application is completely client - server oriented for processing Investment proposals of AMR jobs and for monitoring effective implementation.
Current System
  Paper Based Work: - The existing system is completely paper based. So  this system needs lots of man power .

Time Consuming: - As this system needs lots of manpower and as papers will be moving from one department to another manually, lots of time is consumed. So time constraints maintenance is very difficult.

Less Security: - As these records move from department to department      the security provided to the data is very less. As this is manually done the data cannot be very accurate. Even there can be chance that intermediate person can leak the proposals.

Proposals cannot be placed round the clock: - As this is entirely manual work the regarding official should be available round the clock but practically this is not possible so there will be delays in the placing of proposal.

Updating of database is done only after approval or proposal: - As this is a manual process only after the proposal is completed the database is updated with all the details.

Progress of proposal not known instantaneously: - In this process as the database is not updated time 10 time, the progress of the proposal is hard to know and 10 get details instantaneously can be forgotten.

Problems with the Current System:
a)      It is more time consuming.
b)      It includes wastage of man power
c)      It leads to tender ring
d)     It includes wastage of money
So in order to overcome all these limitations and to meet all their requirements the    current process is replaced with this application.


            The purpose of this document is to display all the external requirements for the “Addition Modification and Replacement System”.  The main objective of preparing this document is to give a   detailed description   of   the   analysis   and requirements for the system to be automated and this will be a guide in the other phase.
             The purpose of “Addition Modification and Replacement System” to provide the traditional proposal process in an electronic form, using the Internet. Using ARM The Departments can publish the proposals and users submit the tenders then finally the departments evaluate the proposals.


             This document is one that describes the requirements of the system. The department people mean it for use and Suppliers will be the basis for   this system. The department people responsible for publish &evaluation of proposal for required items. The suppliers are responsible for downloading &submission of tenders.

            In this we discuss about the proposed Addition Modification and Replacement system.

General Description Of Inputs & Outputs:

                                                            The system will be getting input from the departments from various locations. The output also given by the departments depending on input given by the suppliers.

Fully Automated System: - Our proposed system is an automated format of the above Slated paper based work. Here the entire process is computerized thus by reducing the man power and the entire manual work.

Fast and Accurate: - As this is automated system and fully computerized    so it is far more fast and accurate than manual work.

Data security: - In our system the data is updated in database time 10 time and data is nor sent via any paper work so data is secured as only the administrator has the access to the database and no one else can modify the database,

Availability of system round the clock: - As this is an automated system, system is available all the time, so no need for the official availability so no delay in work. The process continues automatically does not need to wait for anyone to keep the proposal.

Continuous updating of database: -
           Database is updated from time to time after each effect on the proposal. So data is more accurate and perfect as all the updations are done simultaneously as the process.

Instantaneous retrieval of data: -
            As the database is update from time to time the data can he retrieved at any time.

Generation of reports for decision-making: -
            In our project we generate reports so that the higher officials can know the progress of the proposal placed and thus by also take the important decisions regarding the proposal handling.

The modules in this application are:

Purchase department
Director Operations

 This administrator will maintain all the master information like Items Information, suppliers’ information, and Department information.

He is going to prepare the indent for the required product to the purchase department, and also he checks indent status.

He checks the proposal information and it will be clear then he accept that proposal otherwise reject it. If he accept that proposal then it forward to Director Operation for his acceptance. Otherwise it will be closed.

Director Operation:
He checks the proposal information and it will be clear the he accept that proposal otherwise reject it. If he accept that proposal then it forward to the Purchase department to prepare Invitation for that proposed items. Otherwise it will be closed.

Purchase department:
Displaying indents information from different departments. Preparation of Invitations for the Proposed items, Invitation to the supplier for the proposal.

Supplier is going to bid the amount for proposal with in the stipulated time, and will know the final status of the tender once it is closed if it allot to him.


HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS                              
PROCESSOR    :        Intel 2.0 GHz or above
HARD DISK     :        80 GB
RAM                     :    512 MB RAM.


OPERATING SYSTEM                   : WINDOWS XP with SP2. 
SERVER                                     : APACHE TOMCAT 5.5/6.0
ARCHITECTURE                      : 3-TIER ARCHITECTURE.

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