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Monday, 25 July 2011

college info system

This project is being designed to provide the information about the colleges in AndhraPradesh.   AndhraPradesh is a state where there are more and more opportunities to those people who wishes to join different courses of studies. This site is being designed to provide that information to those people about the opportunities available in A.P comfortable fashion. The new education policy of Government of AndhraPradesh provides with much more opportunities by increasing the number of seats per course per college, which will provide the much larger opportunities for the education lovers.

This site not only gives the information about education opportunities available in ANDHARA PRADESH but also the progress of the state in InformationTechnology.
Data entry into the application can be done through various screens designed for various users.  Once the authorized personnel feed the relevant data into the system, several reports could be generated as per the security.

1.Existing System

In the existing system, keeping different colleges information in the state is not possible for the person who wants to join in the course according to his qualification and his raking.  For that Student who has to go to individual district/town in the state and find address, about that college and courses availability is very expansive. This is not easy for the poor people and as well as time consuming process.

2.Proposed System

Using this system one can easy get the information about any college in the state according to his qualification, with state wise, district wise and as well as rank wise, and also which courses available in the college with rank wise can be available easily by using this project.  According to this system parents as well as students easily select the college near to his locality.  And this system also provides market strategy in the information technology field also. 



·         Pentium Min. 233 MHz.
·         32 MB Ram
·         512 KB Cache Memory
·         Hard disk 4.3 GB
·         Microsoft Compatible 101 or more Key Board


Operating System                                :               Windows 95/98/NT
            Back End                                  :               Oracle8I or SQL Server 2000
            Front End                          :                                       JAVA using SERVLETS
            Database Connectivity      :                                   JDBC,MicrosoftODBC                                                                                       Driver for Oracle

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