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Monday, 25 July 2011

E-Procure System

The aim of “E-Procure System” is maintaining the Tender details, Employee details (department wise) and Item Information details. This application is going to maintain list of invitations to tender details. Once tender is closed then the report will be generated automatically with granted tender details. In this E-Procure System least amount bidder will become the owner of the particular tender.
The modules in this application are
             Purchase department
 This administrator will maintain all the master information like Items Information, suppliers’ information, Employee information.
He is going to prepare the indent for the required product to the purchase department, and also he checks indent status.
 Purchase department:
Displaying indent information from different departments. Preparation of tenders for the indents, Invitation to the supplier for the tender
Supplier is going to bid the amount for tender with in the stipulated time, and will know the final status of the tender once it is closed.

Tender is an offer in writing to execute specified work or to supply some specified articles at certain rates within a fixed time under certain conditions of contract and agreement between the contractor and the department. The construction of work is usually done by contractor.  The term contractor means a person or firm to do any work undertakes any type of contract. Contract is an undertaking by a person or firm to do any work under terms and conditions.

In the existing system all the tenders are processed manually through documents. This tendering system is called open documentation system. In this the department people publish the tender notice in newspapers, then the contractors buy the tender forms from the specified department by paying tender fee.  If the contractors are interested to do the particular work, they have to submit quotation along with their eligibility details by post or by hand in sealed covers.  Finally the department people open the sealed covers on tender evaluation date and evaluate the submitted quotations in presence of all contractors. Due to this, there is wastage of manpower, money, and time. It tends to form tender ring.
To avoid all the above pitfalls the system proposed is “Online Tender Handling ”.  In this all the tenders processed through online.  This system saves money, manpower, time and it reduces the chances for tendering. It provides security compared to existing system.     
          The electronic tendering system was selected because of its ease of use, the fact that it was free to use for suppliers (i.e. there are no annual subscription or document download costs incurred). Users do not have to keep updating software and any applications needed to read documents are provided on the site in a read-only format. Another major consideration was that the system had been proven over a number of years in a similar environment.
         The Electronics Tendering System also provides a high level of transparency and accountability and makes available information relating to the Council's tendering activities via the website.
There are three major activities in this phase
  i) Tender Publication
 ii) Tender Submission
iii) Tender Evaluation
                       The requirement document must specify all the functional and performance requirements, the formats of inputs and outputs and all design constraints that exist due to political, economic, environment and security reasons.
Current System
                   In the current tender handling system all the tenders are processed through documents. It is a manual system. This system is called open document system. In this first of all tender notices are given in news papers with the details about work. Then the contractors read the tender notification and buy the tender schedule by paying the tender fee if they are interested to do that particular work.
           In that schedule all the details of the work are available to the contractors.Then the contractors send submission details which include quotation of the tender before tender submission closing date through post or by hand.
                    On evaluation date the department people evaluate all the tender details submitted by the contractors. The department people give that work to the contractor who is eligible and quoted for less amount.
Problems with the Current System:
a)     It is more time consuming.
b)    It includes wastage of man power
c)     It leads to tender ring
d)    It includes wastage of money
So in order to overcome all these limitations and to meet all their requirements the    current process is replaced with this application.

          The purpose of this document is to display all the external requirements for the “Tender Handling System”.  The main objective of preparing this document is to give a   detailed description   of   the   analysis   and requirements for the system to be automated and this will be a guide in the other phase. The purpose of “E-Procurement System” to provide the traditional tendering process in an electronic form, using the Internet. Using E-tendering the Departments can publish the tenders and users submit the tenders then finally the departments evaluate the tenders.
Scope:        This document is one that describes the requirements of the system. It is meant   for use by the department people and contractors will be the basis for   this system. The department people responsible for publish &evaluation of tenders. The contractors are responsible for downloading &submission of tenders.
          In this we discuss about the proposed online tender handling system.
General Description of Inputs & Outputs:
           The system will be getting input from the departments from various locations. The output also given by the departments depending on input given by the contractors.
The system provides an easy way of selecting a particular Tender Details and also it is very easy to know the tender granted Details . There should be no difficulty for the suppliers to bid the amount for the invited tenders. The system is also able to access the information from the database.
          Using this system, services can be provided by the organization in the absence of personal through out the year, round the clock. The system is tailored in such a way to integrate and centralize all the various indent information and tenders information, so that minimum effort is needed to get all the jobs done. The centralize system makes sure that data consistency is maintained.

The modules in this application are
Purchase department


 This administrator will maintain all the master information like Items Information, suppliers’ information, Employee information.
He is going to prepare the indent for the required product to the purchase department, and also he checks indent status.
Purchase department:
Displaying indent information from different departments. Preparation of tenders for the indents, Invitation to the supplier for the tender
Supplier is going to bid the amount for tender with in the stipulated time, and will know the final status of the tender once it is closed.


HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS                              
PROCESSOR    :  Intel 2.0 GHz or above
HARD DISK     :  80 GB
RAM                 :    512 MB RAM.


OPERATING SYSTEM                     : WINDOWS XP with SP2. 
SERVER                                     : APACHE TOMCAT 5.5/6.0
ARCHITECTURE                      : 3-TIER ARCHITECTURE.

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