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Monday, 25 July 2011


        The project is entitled as “CONTROL SYSTEM FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF COMPUTERS”. This project is developed with Java as Front-End and Oracle as Back-End. The project provides Graphical-User Interface (GUI) which is developed in Java using Servlets and HTML concepts. The platform independent nature of Java is very suitable for developing Web applications.
        This application captures to the needs of any company maintaining the System Stock, Allocating the available Systems, and Registering the Systems Complaints. This is automated version of the manual system of the EDP Department.

About System Allocation

The systems are purchased from different vendors and all the systems are maintained as a stock by giving the systems a unique number. Whenever an Employee needs a system it is allocated to the employee.

About System Maintenance

        The system maintenance mainly deals with the registration of System Complaints by the system owner and Servicing of the Complaints. The user of the System through and Web Browser on the Network registers the System complaints. The Administrator checks the Complaints. The vendor checks the type of complaint and assigns the complaints to the concerned Engineer. After rectifying the problem the Engineer reports to the vendor about the problem and the solution.

About Stock

          The stock mainly deals with entering the details of the new systems and printers into the database and also the updating of the number of systems and printers as and when they are allocated to the employees.

          All the functions are computerized to a greater extent. Following are the computerized systems:
1.     Commercial Systems: Customer Status, Project Status, Dispatch Schedules, Completion Schedules have been computerized and running as an online system.
2.     Material Management Systems: Purchase order system, Stores receipt vouchers, Material Status, Price Stores ledgers and many other related systems are maintained online.
3.     Product Information Systems: Engineering documentation, Technological documentation, Material issue documents, Process sheets schedules are maintained with online facilities.
4.     Product Information System: Engineering Documentation, Technological Documentation, Material issue documents, Process Sheets schedules are maintained with online facilities.
5.     Finance System: Personal payments, Payroll, Sales, Finance Accounting, Work in progress and various related ledgers are fully computerized online.
6.     Personal Systems: Personal Details, Educational Qualifications, Training/ Award/Reward details, Service Growth, Punishments and other personal. Details are maintained online.

7.                  Sub-Contract System: Generation of sub contract Scope, Indent, Order, Subcontract funds monitoring, Maintenance of subcontract vendor directory, SMIV’S, PPMIV’S, and Subcontract work follow-up activities etc are done with online computer system.

          The application CONTROL SYSTEM FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF COMPUTERS is a web-based application, which is developed for the system maintenance in an organization.
          The application deals with the allocation of the Systems and Printers to the staff in an organization and registering the system complaints. At present this is maintained manually which as become a tedious process and at times there is a scope for entering irrelevant data, which might lead to unnecessary complications. To overcome these problems the present system is developed.
          The project mainly contains three modules. The first module deals with the allocation of the personal computers and printers to the staff who are working in its various divisions. All the details regarding the available PC, Printers their suppliers and the staff to whom these devices are allocated are maintained in the database. This information is updated as and when the PC and printers are allocated to the staff. This module also includes the enquirer part to get up to date information regarding the PC, Printers, Users and the department details. Finally the report section has the facility to get the reports regarding the present status of the database.
          The second module is concerned in maintaining and serving the complaints that are registered by the staff that have a problem regarding their PC, Printers etc. The engineer of the related supplier serves the complaints. The system administrator is provided with all the information regarding the complaints and the service. The main advantage of the application is that the user can register his complaints and can get an immediate response regarding the status of his complaint.
          In this the system owner can register the complaint using the System number. When a complaint is registered, the Vendor will come to know as to who is the owner of the system and to which department the system belongs and can guide the Engineer in a better way. Before automating the process of complaining, the user or the owner of the system who has a complaint with his system used to report to the administrator and used to register the complaint by giving all the details such as owner’s name, department, and complaint details and so on. But after automation the owner need to register complaint by giving the system number and the vendor administrator allocates the Engineer according to the type of the complaint. The Vendor Administrator group will know from which department the complaint has come from and also the owner of the system. Also here the pending complaints can be seen and can be rectified as fast as possible.
          The third module is Stock. As and when a contracted supplier supplies a PC or Printer, and then the details of the PC or Printer are entered into the database. Further the PC or Printer is been allocated to the Employee. If at all the supplier is new, a contract is been signed with him by the administration.
          This application is web-based and it can be accessed over the Intranet. It provides user-friendly environment and flexible features. The administrator can
maintain a redundant free database. The software provides remote accessibility for the user to perform certain functions.


HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS                              
PROCESSOR    :  Intel 2.0 GHz or above
HARD DISK     :  80 GB
RAM                 :    512 MB RAM.


OPERATING SYSTEM                     : WINDOWS XP with SP2. 
SERVER                                     : APACHE TOMCAT 5.5/6.0
ARCHITECTURE                      : 3-TIER ARCHITECTURE.

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