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Monday, 25 July 2011


The objective of the proposed system is to build that provides the facility to the customer to post their complaints about the particular crime or criminal.
The system should keep track of complaints and within no time, the customer should get the solution for his problem.
The proposed system should provide the facilities for the following modules.
Ø Administrator Module
Ø Customer Module
Ø Department Module
Only the authorized persons can login to their respective modules using their username and password.
In administrator module, once an administrator logs on to the system he/she can register the departments and criminals.
The Administrator can update the details of anyone on their demand. He analyzes the performance of each individual.
In customer module, once a customer logs on to the system, he can post a complaint to the department. The customer can view the status to the complaint posted by him. They can edit their personnel details.
In department module, when department person logs on to the system, he can view the complaints posted by the customers. The department person can then change the status of the crime.

The purpose of “ONLINE CRIME INVESTIGATION SYSTEM” is to provide the solution for the bug posted by the customer within no time. The manager should be able to organize the entire bug efficiently and assign the bug to the concerned technical person. The system should provide the solution to the customer in possible proposed date.
Developers Responsibilities Overview
Ø    Developing the System
Ø    Testing the product at developers and users place
Ø    Installing the software
Ø    Conducting the users training
Ø    Maintaining the System
Ø    Listening the Clients periodically to know the status of the product
Ø    Any changes thereafter should be followed by testing and implementation

Now a day, almost everyone is using computers. Some people use it for writing letters, sending mails etc. Few people use it for developing applications and few people use it for entertainment purpose. Like this computers are useful for almost everyone in something or the other way.
When people are working with computers, they may or may not be aware of computers and more importantly when they are using the software products of different vendors, they may face some problems. If such is the case, the users may not get a proper solution immediately and sometimes it would also take a very long time to get a solution for his/her problem.
For getting proper solutions, the users have to contact the concerned organization that has provided the software and tell their problem. The concerned organization will then provide a solution for his/her problem within a period of time.
Problems with the Current System
Ø There is a communication gap between the customer and department.
Ø People generally don’t know the sites of all the departments to post their complaints.
Ø Customer face problem while posting their complaints
As they have to post their complaints to different departments individually.
Ø There is no surety of quick response from the department.
Ø Few departments may not be interested in responding to the customers.
So in order to overcome all these limitations and to meet all their requirements the    current process is replaced with this application.
General Description
Product Function Overview:
 This product interacts with mainly three entities i.e. Customer, Administrator and     Department person.
User Characteristics:
The main user of the system is the Administrator uses it. So to use the system, the Administrator should have the knowledge of the following topics:
1.      The Administrator should have working knowledge on computers.
2.      The Administrator should know how to use an operating system for running applications.                 
Functional Requirements
The functional requirements describe the interactions between the system and its environment independent of its implementation.
Administration Module:
The system should accept the following as input from Administration of organization for successful login.
       Valid username       
After successful login, the administrator is provided with the following options, which require some data entry
To add new department
To add new criminal
To update criminal information
To update department information

The administrator has to register the details of department and criminal . For every complaint posted by the customer will be checked by the department .

Department Registration:                    This takes the following as Input

Department Name
SI Name
Department Address
Police Station Area
Contact No
Login Name
After submitting all the details, a unique ID is generated to uniquely identify that particular Department.

Criminal Registration:                This takes the following as Input

Criminal Name
Criminal Location
Wanted Since
Type of Crime
Criminal Photo

After submitting all the details, a unique ID is generated to uniquely identify that particular criminal.

Customer Module

Customer Registration- This module takes the following details as Input
                   Customer Name
                   Customer Address
                   Contact No
                   Login Name

After submitting all the details, a unique ID is generated to uniquely identify that particular customer.

Customer Login- This module takes the following details as Input
Customer name
It validates all the above fields and if the input given is valid then the customer is allowed to enter to its main page.

Complaint registration-    This module takes the following details as Input

Problem Description
Complaint Type
After submitting all the details, a unique ID is generated to uniquely identify that particular customer complaint.

Department Module:     The system should accept the following as input from department person for successful login.
       Valid username       
After successful login, the department person is provided with the following options, which require some data entry
Non-Functional Requirements
 Non-functional requirements describe user-visible aspects of the system that are not directly related to functionality of the system.
User Interface
 A menu interface has been provided to the client to be user friendly.


 The client is provided with an introductory help about the client interface and the user documentation has been developed through help hyperlink.

Performance Constraints

Ø    Requests should be processed within no time.
Ø    Users should be authenticated for accessing the requested data
Error Handling and Extreme Conditions
In case of User Error, the System should display a meaningful error message to the user, such   that the user can correct his Error.
The high level components in proposed system should handle exceptions that occur while connecting to database server, IOExceptions etc.

Quality Issues

 Quality issues refer to how reliable, available and robust should the system be? While developing the proposed system the developer must be able to guarantee the reliability transactions so that they will be processed completely and accurately. The ability of system to detect failures and recovery from those failures refers to the availability of system.
Robustness of system refers to the capability of system providing information when concurrent users requesting for information.
Security and confidentiality are the top most concerns of the client. The proposed system should provide the following
Ø Each customer should also be provided with ID and password for controlled access.
Ø Access to database should also be restricted to the managing department only.

Acceptance Criteria

The developer will have to demonstrate and show to the user that the system works by testing with suitable test cases so that all conditions are satisfied.

HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS                              
PROCESSOR    :  Intel 2.0 GHz or above
HARD DISK     :  80 GB
RAM                 :    512 MB RAM.


OPERATING SYSTEM                     : WINDOWS XP with SP2. 
SERVER                                     : APACHE TOMCAT 5.5/6.0
ARCHITECTURE                      : 3-TIER ARCHITECTURE.

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