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Monday, 25 July 2011


Advances in technology and the growth of e-learning to provide educators and trainers with unique opportunities to enhance learning and teaching in corporate, government, healthcare, and higher education.  This application serves as a forum to facilitate the exchange of information on the current research, development, and practice of e-learning in the sectors.
It includes the research, development, and practice of e-learning related to the following multi-dimensional topics and sub-topics.
E-learning comes in different configurations that dictate the depth of a needs assessment. The simple e-learning implementations, such as those following an application service provider (ASP) model, won't necessarily look any different from a resource requirement perspective than traditional classroom training. That's e-learning.
E-learning can be an enormous undertaking and, require significantly more preparation due to its increased scope, higher interdependence, and visibility. These factors--described below--are the reason a needs assessment for an e-learning initiative looks different from one for a traditional classroom program.
  • Scope. Developing an e-learning initiative is a typically much larger endeavor than that of an instructor-led training (ILT) program. Consider the increased expenses, number of people involved, development time, technological requirements, and delivery options.
  • Interdependence. It's possible, even common, for an ILT program to be conducted without the knowledge of anyone but the participants, their immediate managers, and the training provider. In contrast, even the smallest e-learning program requires a wider group of people. Ranging from (at a minimum) representatives from the IT and HR departments to (more commonly) an organization-wide task force, the scope of the project often dictates that there are more decision makers, more stakeholders, and more links between previously unrelated departments.
  • Visibility. When a traditional training program goes bad, a participant's dissatisfaction is usually voiced by word of mouth. And the people who express dissatisfaction, in most cases, are the participants and, maybe later, the people directly affected by their work. Again, due to the scope of the undertaking (especially the high budget and number of resources required), the efficacy of an e-learning program will be delivered to a larger group of people and through a wider variety of channels than an ILT program. Typically, a CEO can tap into a training database and view participants' course comments, exam results, and the courses taken. It's easier to determine whether an e-learning program is unpopular or ineffective than to rely on word of mouth about a questionable ILT program.

Existing System

There is no online Education facility  in many    educational institutions . Till now they used normal system of education . Because of this type of education many   people may suffer due to distance problem and money problem. In this system it may take more time to conduct exams and to give results.
 Even the Lectures also improve their skills in this competitive world. Their has no enough time to upgrade their skills through the class room training. This is the best solution that type of the people. The people who worked in the offices they feel to  update their qualification that people could not go to the traditional training due to the time factors. That people will update the skills through this site.

Proposed System

To overcome the problems in existing education system we are developing this E-Learning  system. With this system people can learn from their own cities and villages easily. By using this E-Learning system  they can conduct exams and give results in online within short period of time.
The people who much eager to  improved  their skills, this site can give the better knowledge for  such type of people. The Quality of  the Education will give through this site. Along with the administrator ,the people who have more knowledge about the particular topic,that people also upload the content to the site temporally.   The Administrator scrutinize the content then he will upload the content permanently. That means the Quality of the education will got.  It is easy to say that more time and money will be savable to the user. MODULES
§  Administration
§  User Management
§  Content Management
§  Evaluation
This section attempts to describe each module of the project in brief, and the detailed description of each of these modules is spread throughout this book.
·         Uploading the content permanently
              This content uploaded by the Administrator
·         Uploading the content temporally
·         Removing the content permanently
·         Removing the content temporally
·         Working options
o   Caching Feature
o   Content length for each Category
User Management:               
·         User Information
·         User Session Maintenance
·         Updating User Information

Content Management:

These are the pages that are associated with the logic pages, and contain content specific to that page.

·         Organizing the topics according to the category

·         Organizing the subtopics according to the subcategory
·         Providing appropriate links to specified category

·         Preparing the question paper randomly according to the category
·         Spot result evaluation
·         Specifying level of evaluation


  OPERATING  SYSTEM                  :  WINDOWS 2000
 APPLICATION TOOLS                    : Jdk 1.2, Jsdk1.2 (Servlets)
     : JSP(Java Server Page)
     : ODBC  Drivers installed
     : JDBC  Drivers  installed
                                                                 : Fully Functional Html Editor
      :Java Web Server 2.0
BACK  END                                        : ORACLE 8i  Mircrosoft ODBC
                                                                 For Oracle(ODBC Driver)
DOCUMENTATION                             : MS-WORD 2000

RAM                                                : 128 MB
CACHE                                                :256KB
PROCESSOR                                      :Pentium III
HARD DISK                                         :20GB

RAM                                                    :64MB
CACHE                                                :256KB
PROCESSOR                                      :Pentium III
HARD DISK                                         :20GB
PRINTER                                             :Laser Printer

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