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Saturday, 21 January 2012

Movie World

1.    Title of the project:  Movie World
2.    Abstract of the project:
The main aim of this Movie World is online booking tickets for various movies in
Registered theatres by the users.

  1.  Existing System:

Present System developed in asp .In asp there are some limitations.
It is scripting language
It is very code  complexity
There is server controls in asp
It Doesn’t Support language interoperability

  1. Proposed System: Support code behind technology
It supports different controls like html controls, server controls
It Supports language interoperability

  1. Modules:

Booking tickets
Admin:      In this module administrator has to register the theatres assign movies to theatres, register users,
Booking tickets: In   this   details about booked tickets and tickets booking   
 Admin can update and delete purchase, sales and other details.
 Users: In this users can see the showing movies and upcoming movies details , ticket booking and Registering as members.   

  1. Requirements:

Software Requirements:
Operating System                : Windows XP or Higher
IDE                                         : VisualStudio.NET 2005/2008
Front End                              : ASP.NET
Language                              : C#.NET
Database                               : Sqlserver 2000/ 2005

Hardware Requirements:

·         Intel P4 1.5GHz or above
·         512MB RAM
·         80GB HDD Minimum

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