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Saturday, 21 January 2012



*    Objective:

‘Project Tracking’ is web applications which can be maintain the details about the followings.
  • You can maintain the track of the projects and details of Employees , Clients  to whom the project has been assigned.
  • When client/employee logins then He/She can view details of the project , starting date and ending date of the project.
  • In New Employee Registration link you can add new employees
  • Add and View Clients,Employees,Managers and their tasks.

*    Existing System:

Present system is manual. It also maintains the Project Information,User Information in records. Which is much of time consuming process and more importantly it is error prone.

 Limitations of the Manual system:

  • It is time consuming
  • It leads to error prone results
  • It consumes lot of manpower to better results
  • It lacks of data security
  • Retrieval of data takes lot of time
  • Percentage of accuracy is less
  • Reports take time to produce

Hence Computerization of the existing system is proposed. The new system completely removes all manual burdens and provide efficient on the entry system.

*      Proposed System:

In Present System can maintain one organization. In that can be consists of all details of the social works.

  • Its Not Time Consuming
  • It Doesn’t leads to error prone results
  • It Doesn’t Consumes lot of manpower to better results
  • Data Security
  • Retrieval of data is easy.
  • Percentage of accuracy is faster
  • Reports doesn’t take much of time to produce


It can be consist of 3 modules.
1.      Admin.
2.      Manager.
3.      Client.
4.      Employee

Admin Module: In This Module only Admin can login and can do the following tasks.
1. Add , Delete and View Client, Manager, Employee.
2. Add Projects and its details.
3. Assign Project Details to Manager.

Manager Module:  In This Module only Manager can login with his/her credentials. This Module is used to do the following things.
            1.Change Password.
            2.Edit Profile.
            3.Add, Delete, View Employee.
            4.View Client.
            5.Assign Projects to Employee.

Client Module: In This Module only Client can login with his/her credentials.
This Module is used to do the following things.
            1. Change Password.
            2. Edit Profile.
            3.View Projects.
Employee Module: In This Module only Employees can login with his/her credentials. This Module is used to do the following things.
            1. Change Password.
            2. Edit Profile.
            3.View Projects.
*      Requirements:



RDBMS                                :        SQLSERVER 2000

SOFTWARE                          :      C#.NET 2005

FRONT END TOOL                :        ASP.NET


RAM                          :        128MB

HARD DISK                 :        MINIMUM 40 GB

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