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Saturday, 21 January 2012


1.Title of the Project: Shopping cart
2. Abstract
                       Shopping cart is a very important feature used in e-commerce to assist people making purchases online, similar to the US English term ‘shopping cart’.
The Business-to-Customer aspect of electronic commerce (e-commerce) is the most visible business use of the World Wide Web. The primary goal of an e-commerce site is to sell goods and services online.
E-commerce is fast gaining ground as an accepted and used business paradigm. More and more business houses are implementing web site providing functionality for performing commercial transactions over the web. It is reasonable to say that the process of shopping on the web is becoming commonplace.
          Shopping Cart feature allows online shopping customers to “place” items in the cart.  Upon “checkout” the software calculates as total for the order including shipping and handling postage, packing and taxes, if applicable.  The Shopping Cart is very important feature used in e-commerce to assist people making purchases products online. It provides the user a catalog of different products available in the system. In order to purchase a shopping cart is provided to the user. The shopping cart application has been developed to allow business grows larger and faster.  This site will let customers to view and order products online from any part of the world. Under this website many products and services can be ordered. The shopping cart is expanded permanently through new products and services in order to offer a product portfolio corresponding to the market.

·         It is limited to a single system.
·         It is less user-friendly.
·         It is having lots of manual work (Manual system does not mean that you are working with pen and paper, it also include working on spread sheets and other simple software's).
·         The present system is very less secure.
·         It is unable to generate different kinds of report.
·         User must go to shop and order products.
·         It is difficult to identify the required product.
·         Description of the product obtained only on manually.
·         Accuracy not guaranteed.
·         Not in reach of distant users.

The development of the new system contains the following activities, which try to automate the entire process keeping in view of the database integration approach.

·         To debug the existing system, remove procedures those cause data redundancy, make navigational sequence proper. To provide information about audits on different level and also to reflect the current work status depending on organization/auditor or date. Required to build strong password mechanism.

·         User friendliness is provided in the application with various controls.
·         The system makes the overall project management much easier and flexible.
·         It can be accessed over the Internet.
·         Various classes have been used to provide file upload and mail features.
·         There is no risk of data mismanagement at any level while the project development is under process.
·         Report generation feature is provided using Crystal Reports to generate different kinds of reports like bar graphs, pie charts and table type charts etc.
·         It provides high level of security using different protocols like https etc.





The system after careful analysis has been identified to be presented with the following modules:
This project is divided into 9 modules:

1. Registration Module
2. Products Browse Module
3. Products Search Module
4. Shopping cart Module
5. Shipping & Billing Module
6. Payment Module
7. Admin User Management Module
8. Admin Catalog Management Module
9. Admin Order Management Module
Entities Involved in the Project:
1)   Customer
2)   Product
3)   Website Administrator
4)   Operator
5)   Order

Customer: The target user of the system. A Customer is responsible for registering them to the site, browsing site, placing orders and making payments.
Product: Product is the entity, a customer looking for. A Product will be sold to the customer.
Website Administrator: An entity responsible for managing users, roles and roles privileges.
Operator: Operator is a person (entity) responsible for managing products and orders.
Order: Order is an entity which describes the business transaction.


  • PIV 2.8 GHz Processor and Above
  • RAM 512MB and Above
  • HDD 20 GB Hard Disk Space and Above

  • WINDOWS OS (XP / 2000 / 200 Server / 2003 Server)
  • Visual Studio .Net 2005 Enterprise Edition
  • Internet Information Server 5.0 (IIS)
  • Visual Studio .Net Framework (Minimal for Deployment)                          
  • SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition

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